Theo's An Idiot

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"What the hell was that about?" Cris asked, resting her hand on his shoulder in a way that he would've backed away from months ago.

"He tried to kiss me." He threw the truck into gear and sped away without waiting for his passengers to put on their seatbelts.

"I'm confused. Isn't that a good thing?" Serena asked, looking at him as if he had two heads.

"Is this like the party thing all over again? Like when he flirted with you, and you knocked him on his ass?" Alan asked. Theo ground his teeth, which was enough of an answer for Alan.

"I may not be the biggest fan of the blue-eyed beta, but he clearly likes you and just doesn't know how to get through to you." Cris defended.

"He was trying to heal me. It's the only way he knows how to take the pain." Theo explained through gritted teeth. "He doesn't like me. It's just a game."

"That's sweet, at least that he'd kiss you just to help you heal. What a nice thing for a heterosexual dude to do for another. The history books would say you're the best of friends." Ben said, voice dripping with sarcasm. Theo tried not to roll his eyes. "I wonder if Cary Grant and Randolph Scott were as good buddies."

"They were a couple?" Serena asked.

"They lived together in a mansion for 12 years, so probably." Ben answered.

"We're not actors living in a beach house in Santa Monica."

"Nope. Just a bungalow in Beacon Hills."


"Theo's an idiot." Ben explained the second they arrived at Lydia's house.

"Yeah, and?" Megan asked from the couch beside Isaac.

"I just thought you should know since he's in the pack now, and I assume he'd be leaving with us."

Megan opened her mouth to respond before she was cut off.

"You're leaving?" The strawberry blonde asked.

"Well, yeah. Now that the threat is taken care of, we're free to go back to our nomadic lifestyle." Ben replied.

"So soon?" Jordan asked from a dining chair to the left of the couch.

"You're welcome to come with." Megan said, smirking while glancing between him and Lydia. Stiles' heart rate sped up at Megan's knowing look. He hid it by pretending his neck hurt. Derek leaned down and asked him if he was ok.

"No, my rent's all paid up for the next year. Maybe I can get a rain check on that offer?" Jordan joked.

"We'll send you a postcard." Megan replied.

Soon enough, the rest of the younger members of the packs were gathered around Lydia's place. Some on couches, chairs, counters and anything else they could sit on, including some boxes.

"Hey, Lyds. Why are so many of your stuff in boxes?" Malia asked. Theo noticed the redhead's eyes met Stiles'.

"Redecorating." Stiles offered from his spot between Derek's legs on the floor.

"Actually," Lydia took a deep breath. "I'm moving."

"Oh, where are you moving, Lydia?" Scott asked, speaking for the first time in a while, voice coming out strained.

"You're not leaving Beacon, are you?" Nolan asked.

"No, I'm moving in with Jordan, actually."

"Isn't Jordan's apartment a one-bedroom?" Mason asked.

"Sure is." Jordan smirked.

It takes the McCall pack a minute to put two and two together, and Theo couldn't help but laugh.

"Wait, you didn't know?" Megan asked. "You've known each other for years, and you didn't know?"

"You're saying you did?" Malia asked.

"Uh, yeah. It's obvious." Ben replied. "It's like how everyone can tell there's something between Derek and Stiles. Or that the sky is blue and fish swim in water." He said like he was explaining things to a group of children. Stiles looked stunned as Derek just looked down.

"You've been here only a few months, and you're saying these are basic facts?" Malia asked.

"Does it really matter? We're all supernatural creatures. Most of us have super hearing and scent, so we can pick up on these things. Not to mention y'know basic human psychology." Isaac added. "Either way, it's not the point."

"Yes, we're here because we're making sure everyone is ok, and nobody has any wounds that won't heal overnight on their own." Lydia agreed.

"I'd like to clarify that not all of us are supernatural creatures." Mason pointed out. A couple of chuckles came out at that comment, and Stiles leaned over to high-five him.

"Right. Sorry. Weird that Stiles hasn't just bitten the metaphorical bullet yet and became a wolf already." Isaac said.

"He's practically the dude who runs with werewolves." Serena joked.

"Was that a goddamn Twilight reference?" Paul asked.

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