Working Together

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Theo had partially been hoping that Stiles hadn't meant what he thought he had, but it turns out he knew him better than he thought he did. The location, of course was the basement that the Dread Doctors had used for their experiments. Argent had shown up shortly after Theo and his new pack to install cell phone scramblers so that their enemies couldn't track them even if they tried. This was just as well because everyone should hopefully know what Stiles had insinuated anyway.

"Why didn't anyone tell us there was an evil scientist lair in Beacon Hills?" Serena asked, looking at one of the needle-guns the Dread Doctors had used to inject mercury into the chimeras.

"Didn't exactly want to remember it," Theo admitted.

"We all have something in our past we'd rather forget." Isaac acknowledged.

"So, when is everyone else getting here?" Megan asked, pacing around the room.

"They should be here soon. I'm guessing Stiles and Derek will be here first since it was Stiles' idea." Theo replied. He leaned against the wall, trying to block out the memories that were quickly resurfacing. He hadn't been here since the last time he had worked with them.

"Hello, mostly strangers." A voice called out, and Theo recognized it immediately.

"Hey, Stiles." He said with a smirk.

"Hey there, chimera." Stiles said, clapping Theo on the back. "How've you been? Staying in trouble, I see." Stiles said, looking over the others in the room.

"Well, you know me." Theo shrugged.

"Stiles, I told you to wait for me." Derek huffed.

"It's okay, Der-bear. You don't have to worry about me." Stiles replied. "I was just catching up with the chimera here." He gestured to Theo.

"Yeah, I can see that," Derek said gruffly, but Theo had heard his heart skip at the nickname.

"I'm glad to see you guys in one piece," Isaac spoke up, walking over and giving Derek a one-armed hug. He smiled at Stiles and raised his hand for a fist bump. Stiles hesitated but touched his fist to Isaac's regardless.

"So, you're the sarcastic human we've been hearing so much about," Serena spoke up.

Stiles' head snapped back to look at her as if seeing her for the first time. "Uh, yes." He said slowly.

Derek rolled his eyes. "I suppose introductions are in order."

"Yes, right." Isaac said. "This is Serena, Alan, Paul, Cris, and of course, you know Theo." He spoke, pointing out each of them. "Derek, and Stiles. This is my pack. As well as my lovely mate M and Ben who isn't here yet." Meg grinned, eyes glowing red so briefly; Theo thought he had imagined it but knew he hadn't when he heard Stiles' tiny gasp.

"It's nice to finally meet you," Megan said, stepping forward with one hand outstretched, and Theo wondered what she was playing at. "I've heard a lot about you." She said, glancing at Derek, who in turn blushed crimson. Ah. Playing at matchmaker. He realized. He supposed he should be happy she hadn't done the same when she had met Liam. Though he supposed it hadn't been the most ideal of times.

Stiles took her hand but didn't shake it. "And you're the girl who I can't find anything about no matter how hard I try." She smiled. "No, I was starting to think you didn't exist. Or that you were some shared delusion."

Megan tried to suppress her laughter, but she couldn't hold it in. "You're hilarious. Has anyone ever told you that?" She asked.

"I usually get more funny-looking than funny." She grinned in response.

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