We Got Ourselves A Plan

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"You killed someone?" Scott shouted, eyes turning red in anger. He took a step forward.

Megan immediately stood in front of Isaac shielding him with her body. Her eyes flashed crimson in response.

"Woah!" Stiles said standing between Megan and Scott. "Let's all just calm down, yeah?" He asked, looking between them.

"I can't believe that's what you were keeping from us." Serena growled. "We're supposed to be a pack. Have each other's backs. Trust each other."

"Yeah, what'd you think?" Alan spoke up. "That we'd rat you out? That we'd care? As if we all haven't done stupid shit like that?"

"You're supposed to be our alphas. Which means trust goes both ways. Aren't we supposed to be family?" Paul added angrily. "How the fuck are we supposed to listen to anything you say now?"

"We were trying to protect you." Isaac shouted from his position behind Megan. He stepped forward.

"You guys could've gotten arrested if you knew something about it. Like an accessory after the fact." Megan interrupted. "We were worried."

"But this isn't even the first thing you've lied to us about." Paul reminded them. "And your excuse was exactly the same. Remember? That we're being betrayed by our own kind? That some kind of supernatural creature teamed up with the hunters to help them kill us? Remember that little tidbit?"

Megan jumped down from the table. "Yes, I remember, of course, I do. And I was just about to explain that as well."

Isaac jumped down and stood at her side. "Exactly we were getting to that. The man who attacked us was much faster and stronger than humanly possible. At first, I thought he might be another werewolf or something but his death proved he wasn't. He was just a regular guy." Isaac said, looking down.

"Alright. That's it. I've heard of human-human attacks and supernatural-supernatural attacks but actually killing a human instead of calling the police? I can't allow that." Jordan spoke up. They all looked up at him as he took his handcuffs out of his pocket. And walked over to Isaac. "Put your hands behind your back."

"No, are you kidding me? You aren't arresting him!" Megan shouted.

"Yeah, we handle this kind of thing internally." Serena agreed.

"We don't have time for a trial right now." Theo pointed out, walking towards Jordan with his hands up. "We still need to come up with a plan to take down our enemies out there." He gestured toward the door they had all entered through. "We can deal with internal betrayal later."

"Betrayal? He killed an innocent man!" Jordan argued. Scott nodded.

"So have at least half of us." Theo reminded him. "So have I."

"And he tried to kill Megan! That's not innocent!" Cris yelled.

"And he probably killed before." Paul said.

"Very likely." Stiles said. "A guy doesn't become that violent overnight. And definitely wouldn't do something like that just because Isaac's old pack arrested his leader. That's not a normal reaction. Even attempting to break her out of jail would've made more sense." He continued.

"Agreed. None of these are good motives. Besides, I think Isaac might be able to get off for killing in self-defence." Cris said. "Right?" She asked Stiles.

"Yeah, depending on the jury." He shrugged. "Which reminds me, did anyone call my dad or the sheriff's department?"

"Yes. I called him. He said he'd send out a patrol car or two and let us know." Derek replied.

"How would he let us know?"

Theo sighed and headed towards the old radio that he had once smuggled in. "What frequency?" He asked over his shoulder as he squatted beside the radio.


"Cool." Theo said as he synchronized the old radio to the frequency in question. The static went in and out until they heard Noah's voice.

"Derek it's all clear out here. I'm not sure what's going on your end or if you can hear me, but the coast seems clear." Noah's voice came over the radio.

"Roger that." Theo spoke into the receiver. "Over." They heard the radio click twice, before the static came back. Theo shot Derek a look.

"I told him two was good. Three meant we had a problem."

"Why not one and two?" Cris asked.

"One could've been an accident. Two is less likely."

"Alright. Good. So anyone have any ideas?" Argent asked.

"Aside from arresting Isaac." Stiles added.

"Actually, I have an idea. Um, Corey?" Cris said.

"Yeah." The brunet looked at her.

"You're the half chameleon, right?" He nodded.

"When you're invisible can you see others that are invisible?"

"Usually other people aren't invisible unless I hold their hand." Corey explained.

"And when you do and you're both invisible you can see them, right?" She asked.

"Yes. I can."

"Cris, what are you getting at?" Serena asked.

"You're thinking if they're hiding from us using some kind of chimera power or something similar, I might be able to see them?" Corey asked.

"Bingo." Cris smiled.

"Holy crap. That's genius, Cris!" Serena said.

"What about the rest of us who can't do that?" Malia asked, speaking up for the first time in a while.

"I could call out their locations." Corey answered.

"And I can always tell where Corey is, even when he's invisible." Mason added.

"I might be able to enchant some glasses so we can see the invisibles." Megan said.

"And I can help." Ben said.

"Ladies, and gentlemen, I think we got ourselves a plan." Theo grinned. "We just need to execute it."

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