You Do Kinda Look Like Shit

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Theo had spent most of his night tossing in turning on the double bed. He hadn't been able to sleep. He had been too busy going through all the facts. What didn't add up. Why Isaac would have possibly have faked his death, who the mysterious Alpha was. That one bothered him most of all. Theo had been around. He'd heard of other alphas before he'd ended up in Beacon Hills with the Dread Doctors. He had even met some, and had conned his way into staying with some. But he'd never heard of this 'M', and that bothered him. He should know something about her. To be an Alpha so young was a rare thing for a werewolf. Not as rare as being a 'True Alpha' of course, but rare indeed. Especially for a born wolf, they just didn't crave the power as much as a bitten would. The way she conducted herself was evidence enough that she wasn't new to this life. She'd been raised in it, he could tell.

Isaac, though, Theo wasn't concerned about. He had learned about the blond before he had come to Beacon Hills. Derek's ex-beta wasn't exactly a big scary guy. Or at least he hadn't been when he'd left for France. He had been a fugitive for a while, sure, but they had cleared his name. But that had been years ago, and obviously, he'd been smart enough to get involved with an Alpha female, which couldn't have been easy.

Why on Earth the two of them seemed so intent on getting Theo and Derek to join them, he didn't know. If for sinister reasons, that made zero sense as 'M' had said herself that Theo's plans had failed. He couldn't do what he'd set out to do and that made him a failure. No grand mastermind villain would want to work with someone who couldn't even successfully kill a teenager. No, Theo decided. That couldn't be it. But what, he didn't know.

A knock on his door pulled him from his thoughts.

"T, I can basically hear you thinking from upstairs." Liam's voice came from behind the door. He waited a second then said, "I'm coming in." before opening the door and sitting down on the bed.

"Where were you last night?" Liam asked gently, turning to face him.

"At the preserve," Theo replied honestly. Gone was the instinct to lie to him anymore. It's not like Liam would hurt him anyway.

"Running?" Liam asked, knowing full well what the answer would be. Theo was predictable to him by now.

"Yeah," Theo replied.

Liam was quiet for a moment, and Theo could practically hear his gears turning. "Are we good?" he asked after a while.

"Course we are," Theo told him. He had practically already forgotten their conversation from in the truck.

"Good," Liam said before climbing over him to lay down on the other side of the bed.

Theo shot him a confused. "What are you doing?" he asked.

"Getting comfy," Liam replied, crawling under the covers. Once he had the comforter up to his nose and his head was comfortably resting on a pillow, he spoke again. "Alright, I'm ready to hear about your run."

Theo couldn't help but look at the younger man in awe. Liam was honestly the cutest thing Theo had ever laid eyes on. "Ok, puppy.", he said.

Liam rolled his eyes but didn't complain about the nickname. Theo would only say it more often if he thought it would piss him off, anyway. Theo took a deep breath and explained what had occurred and why he'd gone to the preserve in the first place.

"Isn't it like a bad idea for them to stay at the house? Isn't it, like a no-no for werewolves to do that sort of thing?" Liam asked, tilting his head like a newborn pup.

"Yeah. It's a territorial thing. But they don't really seem to care much about pack dynamics." Theo shrugged. "They probably just know that Derek wouldn't do anything to hurt Isaac, though. Since he's the one that bit him." He explained.

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