The Kiss...?

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"This is where you've been living for the past several months?" Melissa McCall asked, surveying the Hale house.

"It's not as bad as it seems. We fixed up the floors and the walls. Just took a little elbow grease." Isaac explained.

"You can say that again!" Ben exclaimed, rolling out his shoulders. Meg rolled her eyes.

"So, you're all homeless," Melissa said matter-of-factly with a clear look of concern for her practically second son – or perhaps third, after Stiles.

"I'd say we're more home-with than home-less," Cris explained. "The world is our home."

"That is the hippiest thing I've ever heard. And that's really saying something for this group." Theo said, walking down the stairs from one of the upstairs bedrooms with a box in his arms.

"I still wish you would've told me. I could've made some space at our place."

"I think you've got enough on your plate as it is, Mrs McCall." Megan said, gesturing to Melissa's bulging tummy.

Melissa instinctively placed her hands on her belly, and she smiled softly. "Scott wouldn't even tell me what was going on lately."

"I would have done the same if it were me." Cris smiled.

"It certainly explains why the guy Isaac told us was 'the best alpha ever' would actually not act like it." Serena teased.

"Haha, very funny!" Isaac called after her as she headed out of the house to pack a few more sleeping bags into Megan's car.

"I just wish we'd had more time together." Melissa smiled sadly.

"I'm sure we'll be back, Mrs McCall," Megan said. "Between all the sad, lovelorn boys we're taking from their star-crossed lovers, we'll definitely have to come back."

"Hey, I can hear you, you know!" Ben called.

"And no one is lovelorn or star-crossed," Theo added. "Or boys. We're men."

"Yeah, so lovelorn men." Isaac clarified. Melissa laughed.

"Uh, hey. Can I come in?" They heard a voice come from the open doorway. The two of them spun around to see the young blue-eyed beta. Liam gave a small smile. "Hi, Mrs McCall." He said, rubbing the back of his neck. Their relationship hadn't improved much since he had tried to kill her son.

"Hi, Liam," Melissa said.

"Oh god, not you again," Cris said. "Haven't you screwed things up enough by now?" she asked bitterly.

"I just wanted to talk to Theo," Liam said, avoiding her gaze. Cris opened her mouth to say something, but Isaac cut her off.

"Let Theo know that he's here. It's his decision if he wants to talk to him."

"Let Theo know, what?" The man himself asked. His long-sleeved shirt was tied around his waist with his baseball cap on backwards. Liam spun around, and everyone heard his heart catch. He tried to cover it with a cough, but it didn't work.

"Can we talk?" Liam asked, when he calmed down enough to speak.

"Fine. Whatever." Theo said as he dabbed the sweat from his forehead off with the back of his hand. He led the way out of the house and down the steps, ensuring that Liam was following. Once he found a clearing far enough away from prying ears or eyes, he hung his hat on a tree branch and put his shirt back on. He could feel Liam avert his gaze. He looked at him, waiting for the younger man to say something. Anything. But nothing came out. "So, what did you want?" He bit out, impatience clear in his voice.

"I-uh." Liam stuttered out, still avoiding his eyes.

"Wow. How insightful." Theo laughed angrily. "I'm so glad you came out all this way to tell me that."

As predicted, this, of course, caused Liam out of his stupor. "Do you have to be a dick right now? I'm trying to talk to you!"

"Oh really? Cause all you said was 'I uh'." Theo quoted back.

"I was trying to come up with the words!"

Theo rolled his eyes. How hard could it possibly be to mutter out an apology? Sorry, I tried to kiss you? I thought it would be funny to hurt your feelings? Sorry I flirted with you when I was drunk for fun? He hated that his feelings were out there for the world to see with Liam. It made him feel weak, and this entire situation made him feel like a lovesick girl, and he fucking despised it. He could feel the stinging start behind his eyes, making him want to punch something. He sighed and turned to walk back to the comfort and safety of the house.

"Wait!" Liam called after him. "I'm sorry, okay? I was jealous, and I made a lot of dumb decisions because of it! I really like you, and I didn't know how to deal with it!" Liam shouted after him.

His words causing Theo to stop in his tracks. Could that even be possible? Liam had feelings for him? Was his new pack right after all? He tried to not look back at Liam, but he needed to know if his words were true. He hadn't heard his heart skip signalling that he was lying, but maybe something was wrong with his ears? Theo took a deep breath and spun around so quickly; Liam stumbled back, raising his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry that I was so stupid about it." Liam said when he realized that Theo wasn't going to attack him. "I should have just told you." He said, looking away.

Theo let the words sink into his brain. As unlikely as they seemed, Liam was definitely not lying. He took a step forward to get Liam to look at him again. "Are you serious?" He asked gently. Liam nodded, still avoiding his eyes. Theo was feeling nearly desperate now to see those blue eyes look back at him, so he did the first thing he could think of. He gently placed his hand under Liam's chin and raised it to look at him in quite possibly the gentlest motion he had ever done. Liam finally met his eyes, and he nearly purred in satisfaction. Theo smiled as Liam looked puzzled. "Can I try something?" He asked, echoing Liam's words from the woods. Liam nodded, looking at Theo's lips, Theo's heart thumping in his chest. Theo's lips captured Liam's in a quick moment. Theo pulled away, and Liam chased his lips before he even registered what he was doing. Their lips met again.

"Did you just..?" Liam asks, finally realizing the moment that had just taken place between them.

Theo gave a nervous smile and blushed slightly. "Yeah. I like you too, idiot." Theo adds on the idiot to ensure that Liam wouldn't get too cocky. Liam smiles and kisses him again, slightly rougher this time. He pulls him closer so that they're perfectly flush against each other. They pull away breathlessly, and Theo runs his fingers through Liam's hair.

"Fuckin' finally." They hear Megan's voice say, and they break apart realizing that they're not alone anymore.

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