House Tour

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"Alec thinks we should buy a house," Ben announced as he took a seat on the floor of the Hale house.<p>"Oh, good. I was wondering when he was going to bring it up." Liam said.<p>"You knew about this?" Theo asked his boyfriend, eyebrow raised.<p>Liam nodded. "It was his idea. He just suggested it to me." He explained.<p>"Is he offering to pay for said house?" Megan asked sarcastically. "He is aware that we have maybe two dollars to our names between us?"<p>"That's the thing, though. He said that some abandoned ghost town is selling houses for dirt cheap." <p>"Probably not cheap enough." Megan sighed.<p>----<p>"What's the name of the town again?" Megan asked from behind the wheel of her car.<p>"Batten." Isaac answered from the passenger seat.<p>"And where am I turning?" She asked.<p>"Next left."<p>"I can't believe you actually convinced me to look at a house in an abandoned town. Which is probably filled to the brim with ghosts." She huffed.<p>"It's not like you're afraid of ghosts." He reminded her. "Besides, nobody died. People were just erased. From existence."<p>"Not helping. Besides, they must be really creepy. I drove through Franks slide once, and the air felt wrong."<p>"Remind me of that one?" <p>"Massive rockslide that buried part of Frank, Alberta in 1903. 70 to more than 90 out of the 600 people population died. I didn't even know what happened when I drove through. But something about all those boulders so close to the highway was unsettling as hell. It felt like I could barely breathe."<p>"Wow. That must have been really horrible for those people to deal with." He winced. "Not being able to breathe like that."<p>"Yeah. It turns out that around 110 million tonnes of limestone rock slid down the mountain. There's a theory that limestone increases chances of paranormal activity."<p>"So, you're sensitive to ghosts?"<p>"I guess. It's hard to explain."<p>"Damn. Okay. Well, we better make sure there's no limestone nearby, then."<p>"Yeah."<p>****<p>Soon enough, the two of them pulled up into the town of Batten, California. Some of the houses still stood, but some had clearly been torn down in order to make room for new ones. The town gave Megan a strange feeling of dread, but she forced it down as she parallel parked in front of one of the new houses. Some of the houses had red balloons on their front lawns, which only added to the feeling in her stomach. She and Isaac got out of the car, locking it behind her, and walked towards the house. <p>The house in question was a large two-story home with several windows and even a covered porch in the front. It had white siding and light grey detailing on the windows. The front door was also white with glass around the frame of it. Megan couldn't help but notice the cottage-style feel of it. They knocked on the door, and a woman with dark brown hair tied in a bun, thick brown eyebrows and green eyes, opened it. <p>"Is this the open house?" Isaac asked.<p>"Yes, I'm Lynda, the realtor. And you are?" she asked.<p>"I'm Isaac, and this is Megan." He smiled and offered his hand, which she shook. Megan shook her hand as well.<p>"You two are interested in Batten?" She asked.<p>"Yes, ma'am," Isaac replied.<p>"Wonderful. Let me show you around the home." She grinned.<p>"That would be lovely." Megan smiled.<p>"Come on in," Lynda said, leading them into the house. "You can have your pick from hardwood, carpet or tile." She explained.<p>"Maybe tile?" Isaac said. "Hardwood might get a bit too scratched up."<p>"I'd still prefer hardwood, though," Megan admitted. "It just seems more like a home that way."<p>"You have pets?" Lynda asked.<p>"Yes. We have a couple of dogs." Megan lied, which was close enough for the truth.<p>"Ah. Lovely. I'm more of a cat person myself." Lynda admitted.<p>"Well, I promise our dogs are very well behaved and don't have any problems with any animals," Megan replied.<p>"That's good." Lynda smiled. The house was primarily unfurnished, except for a few items to show the layout. The living room was large enough, with enough space for a couch and a living chair. "Now, let me show you the kitchen," Linda spoke. The kitchen itself was very simple, with white cabinets and counters. It was a modern and contemporary design. Not exactly Megan's taste, but it would do. The backsplash was a white subway tile. The kitchen also had an island in the centre of the room and a medium-sized window over the sink. One positive for the kitchen was also the fact that it had a lot of counter space and cabinets for them to put away groceries and a pantry. Lynda led them through the two-story home, pointing out each room. "How many people would be living here?" She asked them as they climbed the staircase.<p>"9," Megan replied. Lynda shot them a look of surprise.<p>"Big family." Isaac smiled as he wrapped his arm around Megan's waist.<p>"Indeed." The realtor smiled. She led them into a small room off the landing. "This could be an office. Or a nursery." <p>"Did she not hear us say we had a family of 8? And she wants us to have a nursery?" Megan whispered so that only Isaac could hear.<p>"Maybe she thinks we don't have a television." Isaac joked, wiggling his brows.<p>"She's not wrong." Megan replied.<p>"And this is the master bedroom," Lynda said. The room was painted a light grey colour with carpeted floors. There was a queen-sized bed in the centre with dark brown side tables on each side and a matching dresser. It was definitely not Megan or Isaac's style, but thankfully they wouldn't actually have to keep any of the items, as they were all likely only set-dressing.<p>"Do you mind if we have a chat, just the two of us, for a minute?" Isaac spoke.<p>"Yes, of course. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Lynda said, leaving the room and closing the door on her way out.<p>"What are you thinking?" Isaac asked.<p>"It might be cool to cook in an actual kitchen," Meg admitted. "I just don't see how we're going to get the money together." Meg sat down on the floor.<p>"We could rob a bank?" Isaac joked, sitting down next to her.<p>"We are not going to jail over a house. Serena barely even handled juvie."<p>"I could see if my mom left me any inheritance?" <p>"Wouldn't your dad have spent it all? He seemed the type from what you told me."<p>"Maybe. But we might as well try. If this is what you really want." <p>Megan smiled. She knew he'd really do anything for her. And she loved him more than anything. "Thanks."<p>****<p>"So, what can you tell us about the previous owners?" Isaac asked.<p>"Or about this town? What would make them just up and leave?" Megan asked, putting on her best demure voice.<p>"Well, it happened over time. The residents just started leaving, and the bank repossessed the houses." The realtor lied, putting on her fakest smile.<p>"And there's nothing we should know about? No deaths or strange disappearances?" Isaac asked. The realtor's smile vanished for a second, and her heart hesitated. "Nope. Nothing like that at all." She said that and they didn't need to be werewolves to know she was lying.<p>"Well, thank you."<p>****<p>"Well, she's obviously a giant liar, and we shouldn't believe anything she says," Isaac said, getting into the car's driver's seat.<p>"Absolutely not, but it's not like we didn't already know the history. So, it's not a big deal."<p>"Yeah. They should really be honest with the people buying from them."<p>"They're probably hoping people don't know and won't ask directly."<p>"Probably." <p>"Now, we just have to figure out how we're possibly going to afford this place."

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