I've Loved You For 6 Years

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Liam woke up that morning to hear his phone vibrating. He smiled, thinking it was Theo, but he was surprised to hear Alec's voice on the other end when he answered it.

"You remember that abandoned town Scott, Lydia and Malia went to scope out a couple of years ago?" He asked. Liam sighed and checked his clock. 4 AM, it read.

"You mean the literal ghost town?" Liam yawned. "The town's name was something biblical, I think."

"Canaan, yeah."

"Right. What about it?" He asked sitting up.

"Well, you know how no one lives there?"

"Except for the creepy banshee and her ghost son." Stiles' voice said, sounding much too cheery for this hour.

"Yeah, Lenore and Caleb." Liam said, surprised that he still remembered. "Morning, Stiles."

"Morning kiddo."

"So that town is only a few hours from Beacon. Maybe the pack could move there?"

Liam's head was working way too slow this early to understand what the hell Alec was getting at. "What?" was all he could say to that.

"There's absolutely no way the pack is moving there. From what Scott told me, that bitch was crazy. Like no offence, but who imagines a dead kid and brings them back as a homicidal ghost?" Stiles said. "No way is that safe."

"Yeah, right. Fair point. But it looks like other abandoned towns are being restored as new towns. They even have houses for sale. What was another name of one of the towns the ghost riders went to?"

"Hang on. I think I wrote some of them down," Stiles said; Liam could hear his chair scratching on the floor as he got up. He heard him open a drawer and rummaging through papers. "Aha!" He could hear him say in the distance. "Found it." He said into the receiver.

"Alright, let me type them up," Alec said, clicking on what was no doubt a new file on his laptop. "Ok, shoot."

"Canaan, the one where Scott, Lyds and Mal visited. Hollatine, Batten, Bay Burry, Deer Ridge, Cannon Creek, Red Oak, Trenton, Anderson, King Springs, Springville." He listed, spelling out the difficult ones for Alec to type.

"Okay, cool. Looks like Red Oak, Hollatine, and Batten are all in California." Alec said as he typed. "Looks like the closest being Batten which is about 5 hours away." He said, sounding excited.

"Alright, cool?" Liam said, making the end sound more like a question. "Why do we need to know that?"

"Because Derek, Theo, Ben, and the rest of their pack could move there. So that they're still close but far enough that there wouldn't be any territorial issues." Stiles explained.

"Oh," Liam said, brain finally clicking. "So, they'd be close enough we could see them sometimes."

"Exactly, pup," Stiles said. "You'd be able to suck face with Theo any time you wanted." He joked.

"Please, like you don't make out with Derek as often as Liam does with Theo." Alec said.

"Like you don't try to eat Ben's tongue?" Stiles exclaimed.

"Any chance we can continue this conversation at a more appropriate time?" Liam asked.

"Sorry, Li, I wanted to make sure we talked about this before Stiles headed to work."

"Good memory Al." Stiles said, sounding impressed.

"Hey, I would've remembered your early shift if it wasn't currently 4 AM here." Liam defended.

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