This Town's Kinda Strange

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"Can I get a small white hot chocolate, please?" Ben asked at the till. The young man nodded and typed in the order on the machine.

"And for you, sir?"

"Small coffee, no cream, one sugar." Alec replied.

"That'll be $4.50." The man informed them. Ben dug in his pockets, pulling out dimes and nickels and began counting them on the counter.

"That's fifty-five cents." He said before digging back into his other packet for more change.

"Keep the 5 cents." Alec said, pulling out a crisp 5-dollar bill from his pocket. He handed the money sans the 5 cents to the cashier. The man gave them back 50 cents in two quarters. Alec handed the change to Ben.

"Thanks." Ben blushed as their fingers touched, adding the coins into his pocket.

"Your drinks will be at the side." The man said, gesturing to the side of the counter. "Next!" He called, and Ben and Alec stood to wait for their drinks.

Ben took a sip of his chocolate immediately without even blowing, regretting it instantly as the drink burned his tongue. He stuck his tongue out of his mouth to gauge the damage but couldn't see it. Alec chuckled and stepped closer to look at it. "It's burned, but it should heal soon." He said. Ben nodded before blowing this time and taking another sip. "Can you even taste it?" Alec asked.

"Not really." Ben admitted. Alec shook his head fondly before picking up his own drink and walking over to an empty table. The young men sat down. Alec took the lid off his coffee to let it cool down before blowing and touching it to his lips. Ben watched, eyes focused on the way his lips looked as Alec blew on the hot drink.

"Is it good?" Ben asked, trying to cover his focused look, not to mention the spike in his heartbeat as well.

"Yeah. It is." Alec replied. "Your tongue, ok?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's almost healed now."

"Good." Said before taking another sip. "Can't taste if your tongue doesn't work." He said, voice coming out husky. Ben swallowed audibly and cleared his throat.

"Y-yeah. For sure." He stuttered out. Alec smiled and shook his heart out of his eyes.

"So, what exactly brings you to Beacon, anyway? Aside from the fact that it's a literal beacon to people like us."

"Yeah, I heard about that. Magical tree stump, right?"

"Yeah." He chuckled. "This town's kinda strange, to say the least." He took a sip.

"So I've heard."

"Tell me more about yourself. You have any siblings?" Alec asked.

"As far as I know, I'm an only child." Ben shrugged.

"As far as you know?"

"My parents left me when I was one." Ben explained.

"Oh damn. Sorry for bringing it up." Alec cringed.

"It's alright. It's been a long time, obviously."

"Why'd they leave you? If you don't mind me asking."

"They wrote a letter I found when I was ten. Apparently, they freaked out when my eyes went gold, and a teddy bear from across the room was suddenly in my arms." Ben gave a small smile.

"Woah." Alec replied, awe showing on his face. "So, magic?" He asked, lowering his voice.

"Yeah. I'm a wizard. I have a pointy hat and everything." Ben joked.

Alec grinned before sensing eyes on the two of them. Many café regulars were giving them suspicious looks. "They're probably on drugs." He heard one woman say. He huffed before speaking up. "Did you maybe want to get out of here? I just realized it's probably not the best place for us to talk." He said, looking back at Ben.

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