7. Maybe I should take you out

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„Okay, let's call it a day." I finished the first dance lesson with the boys. "You were pretty good, Karl. And Chandler and Chris, you were... there." I chuckled. "Hey! I think my moves looked really hot." Chandler complained and moved his hips from side to side, looking not very flexible. We all laughed together about his stupid moves. "Yes, very sexy Chandler, I bet the girls stand in line with you if you perform this at the club." Jimmy said as he stood up and walked over to us.

The first lesson went really well. I trained some of the basic moves with them and we had a lot of fun. We all get along well and our humor matches too. I felt comfortable in the presence of the boys which definitely took the pressure off me and I was looking forward to the next days and lessons. "You guys wanna take a shower and grab some food afterwards?" Jimmy interrupted my thoughts. "Yes! Food!" Chandler screamed pleased, jumping around the room like a little kid. "May I drive you to your hotel so you can shower and change your clothes in peace?" Jimmy asked me. "Yes, that would be nice" I smiled at him. "Okay, I will drive Keira to the hotel and you guys can drive home to shower by yourself. We will meet here at 6pm, okay?" Jimmy explained to us. We all agreed and I followed Jimmy to his car. He opened the door to the passenger seat for me again, continuing his gentleman manner.

"How do you feel about your first lesson? It was really good." Jimmy said while driving from the parking lot. "Thanks, it was fun. I really enjoyed it. Karl would be a great dancer but Chris and especially Chandler will need some more practice." I responded chuckling. "Yeah, this hip thingy at the end was kinda weird." Jimmy laughed. After some chit-chat we arrived at the hotel. "I'll wait for you in the car." Jimmy suggested. "No, you can come up to my room with me and wait there, it's no big deal." I didn't want him to wait in his car for so long while I was taking a shower. "If you don't mind." He responded. I nodded. We left the car and entered the hotel.

"Wow, this room looks really nice." He commented as we entered my room. "Yeah, some random guy from the internet who likes to spend money on other people booked it for me." "Really? Sounds like a really cool guy." Jimmy joked. "He is okay I guess." I joined his joke. "Feel free to take a seat." I pointed to the armchair in the corner and opened the closet. Jimmy took a seat and I finally decided for an outfit. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick and refreshing shower. I dried my hair, jumped into my outfit and put on some make-up. I left the bathroom wearing a pair of light jeans with a black cropped top showing off my belly.

Jimmy looked up from his phone as I entered the room. His gaze wandered up and down my body, stopping at my lightly trained belly. Was he checking me out? But why would he? He seemed slightly absent while nearly staring at me. "You're ready to leave?" I asked, snapping him back into the present. "Oh, yeah... of course." He stuttered and his face slightly reddened. He stood up and we both left my hotel room and walked back downstairs.

Back at the parking lot he opened the door of the car for me once again. "I like this gentleman behavior. Could get used to it." I joked and smiled at him. "This is nothing, maybe I should take you out and show you what real gentleman behavior is." He winked at me. Did Jimmy just ask me out on a date? I guess he's just joking I thought. "Well, only if there is champagne cause although you said it, I haven't ordered some yesterday." I joined his playful flirting. "Such a shame, we have to catch up at times." He smiled at me, closing the door and headed over to the driver's seat. I really liked this flirty and joking synergy between the two of us but it also confused me. Was this really just joking for him or were there serious intentions behind this behavior?

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