24. Just one more day

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I entered the room nervously but instantly calmed down as I saw Chandler and Ethan. Jimmy was there too and greeted everyone. "Hope you don't mind that the team will take a photoshoot in here as well?", Jimmy asked. "Nope, it's fine." I responded, trying to hide the joy in my voice. I do not have to be here alone with Jimmy. This would minimize the awkward moments a bit more.

"Today I wanna teach you some classic swing stuff in case you will need it at the event. This will be much faster than yesterday but I'm sure you will manage this until the end of the day. We can start with the discofox", I tried to smile at Jimmy. He nodded and I started showing him the moves. At least swing is always a dance that leads into a good mood so it wouldn't be that bad today. As yesterday, I started to show him the moves first and Jimmy tried to follow along. After he got all the steps we started dancing together with some music. He was more talented than I thought. I was really happy about the boys in the background. It really helped me calm down when we started with some more narrow dance moves.

We ended the lesson at 5 pm. „Wanna grab some food together?", Chris asked as he entered the room. „Foooood!", Chandler screamed, jumping through the room in excitement. „Yeah, why not. I'm really hungry from the dancing.", Jimmy responded.

20 minutes later I found myself sitting between Chris and Karl in a diner nearby, scanning the menu. It was really weird hanging out with Jimmy and the crew again. I totally missed the vibe of the crew and all those stupid jokes but it still felt kind of awkward because of Jimmy. I decided to stop thinking about what happened and tried to have a good evening with the boys. „You should come to Greenville more often. Hanging out with you is fun, Keira.", Ethan said after all of us had ordered our burgers. „Uhm, yeah. I would love to.", I lied. I enjoy hanging out with them but the stuff with Jimmy will stop me from visiting them again. Coming here again was one of the stupidest ideas I ever had in my entire life and that means a lot because I once bought a living baby chicken at a market when I was drunk. Gladly I was able to bring it to a farm but sometimes I still miss the little McNugget. I thought that name suits a chicken well when I was drunk.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as the food arrived. Karl and Chris pulled me into a talk so I didn't have to talk to Jimmy that much. I was so thankful for their understanding. We ate and joked a lot and for the first time since I arrived here I felt good in the presence of Jimmy. I nearly forgot that he was there. One more day and I could leave and hopefully never see him again. "Jimmy, might wanna talk alone for a moment?", Chris said to him and both of them left our table after everyone finished dinner. I was wondering what Chris wanted to discuss with him alone. After 10 minutes both of them came back and Jimmy looked kind of guilty. We all decided it was time to go home and said goodbye. Chris drove me and Karl back to Karl's place. „I hope the evening with Jimmy was okay for you?", Chris asked, eying me through the rear view mirror. „Yes, you guys helped me a lot. I nearly forgot that he was there.", I responded. „Just one more day.", Karl cheered. I nodded in relief. „I hope he finally talks to you about what happened.", Chris said. „Please not, I just wanna forget what happened.", I groaned. „But from what you have said you enjoyed it.", Karl looked at me, wiggling with his eyebrows. "Karl stop! You're a such pain in the ass.", I laughed at his gesture. "Anyways, what where you talking about alone with Jimmy?", I asked Chris curiously. "Oh, nothing important. Just told him to grow a pair.", he answered. "You talked about K with him?", Karl wondered. "Yep, this can't continue like this for ages.", Chris nodded. "Oh no, please kill me. Tomorrow is going to be even more horrible.", I groaned once again. "I'm just tired of you guys being childish instead of talking about your problems. Plus I don't want you not to visit us again because of Jimmy.", Chris explained himself and he was damn right. Our behaviour was childish. I was just so scared of possibly getting hurt that it hurts me even more. A clear cut should have been better. For now I was sure. I will set a cut with Jimmy tomorrow. I won't let a men treat me like that without kicking his ass. Tomorrow I would set some boundaries.

I'm baaaaaaaack! 🎉 My exams are done and I've finally found some time for writing. Hope you enjoyed the new chapter and thanks to everyone who's still here. 💖

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