30. Growing some balls

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I laid down in bed next to Jimmy, my head resting on his chest while his right hand was slowly stroking over my body. The both of us were still naked. I moved my head a little so I could face him. He smiled at me. I started smiling back. I hate to break this moment, but I guess we have to get ready within the next minutes.", he interrupted the silence. I pouted. I would rather continue to lie in bed with him than getting ready right now.

We interrupted our cuddling session to get ready for the event. I decided to take a quick shower to get rid of the after-sex-feeling on my skin. I entered the bathroom and entered the shower. While the warm water rinsed over my skin my thoughts went to Jimmy. I really enjoy every minute with him. The jokes, the teasing, even his gentleman manners. Him smiling at me. His genuine kindness. The way he is being a total jerk sometimes. Him caring for others. His funny nature. Everything he does, everything he says. Just everything about him. At this point there was literally no way to deny it: I had fallen for this guy. I was, indeed, in love with Jimmy.

I turned the water cold to help clearing my mind. I have to think straight right know and just focus on the upcoming event. I pushed my thoughts aside as the cold water touched my skin. I was standing there for a few more seconds before I left the shower. Only dressed in a towel I left the bathroom. "... yeah, thanks Chander. I will tell her. Bye.", I heard Jimmy say into his phone. He hung up the call and smiled at me as soon as he noticed me. "I had to call Chandler back after he nearly interrupted us. He just wanted to congratulate me to 'growing some balls'.", he laughed. I started grinning. That was so typical for Chandler. Calling for random stuff in bad moments. "Also: greetings from Chandler.", Jimmy continued. He approached me and smiled at me. He then grabbed my head and slowly pulled me into a kiss. "Sorry", he whispered. "Just had to do it. Are you finished in the bathroom?" I nodded: "Yeah, it's your turn. You just smell like you recently had sex." "Me? Never.", he exclaimed and we both started laughing. He once again grabbed my face and kissed me before he headed to the bathroom. Even if all these kisses where quite new to me I really could get used to his lips on mine.

I started doing my Make-up and my hair while Jimmy was still in the bathroom. He reentered only dressed in a towel to grab his suit. He then headed back to the bathroom to get ready. I finished my look and tried to put on my dress, but I had some struggles with the zipper in the back. "May I help you?", Jimmy asked, now standing behind me. I glanced into the mirror in front of me. Jimmy was wearing his suit with a dark purple bow tie matching the color of my dress and damn did he look fine in it. Why do men look like 10 times hotter in a suit? Jimmy is hot enough for me already, no need to look that fine right know. I remembered his question and nodded slowly through the mirror. He came closer to me and slowly pulled up the zipper in my back. After that, he rested his hands on my shoulders. I looked at us in the mirror and started smiling. He placed a short kiss and whispered: "You look stunning.". I turned around, put my hands behind his neck and pulled him closer to me. We stared into each other's eyes before I gently pressed my lips onto his. We both smiled into the kiss before we pulled away.

"Ready to go, Mylady?", he asked with a dorky smile on his face, offering his left arm to me. I shook my head and laughed before I hooked myself up to his offered arm. "Ready?", Jimmy looked directly into my eyes. "Ready.", I said and we left our hotel room.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2023 ⏰

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