12. You've got a date with Karl tomorrow?

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The next day was pretty much like the past days. I woke up, made myself ready for the dance lessons and got picked up by Jimmy. He greeted me with a very short hug and we went for breakfast and coffee as usual. The dance lesson was very productive and I was sure, that the boys will rock the choreography at the music video. After we finished the lesson, Karl headed over to me. "Might wanna teach me some more moves tomorrow at our day off?", he asked. "Of course", I responded with a smile. We made the plan that I would head over to Karl's place tomorrow and teach him more dance moves there. The boys decided to order some food to the Warehouse to end the day.

"So, you've got a date with Karl tomorrow?" Jimmy asked after he headed over to me. "Not a date. Karl just asked me for some extra dance lessons. We are just friends." I answered. Did I just hear jealousy in his voice. "My bad, maybe I just misinterpreted the whole thing. You guys just seemed to get along well."He responded. "Yes, as friends..." I emphasized the word friends. "You're jealous?" I joked at him. "Me? Uhm.. no, how did you come up with this?", Jimmy blushed slightly. Did he may have a crush on me too? "Just kidding." I answered. Was it just my imagination or did he look relieved?

The pizza arrived and we all ate together, talked and laughed. The evening was really nice and I got to know the boys even better than I already did. After 2 more hours we all decided to head back home and as usual Jimmy brought me back home. He hugged me shortly and wished me a good night before he went back into his car. The hug was not even close to the one from last night. I turned around and headed into my hotel room. I was exhausted from the day so I decided to went straight into bed this time.

I woke up at 10 a.m. and made myself ready for the day. I went downstairs for breakfast at the hotel restaurant. I drank my coffee, ate some very good pancakes and checked my socials. Jimmy has tagged me into one of the Photos Ethan had done. It was a really nice pick, we both smiled into the camera genuinely. I realized that there was  another photo so I swiped left. The pictured showed Chandler and Chris smiling at the camera but in the background, you could see me sitting on the couch and Jimmy on the arm rest. We both smiled at each other and it might seemed like we both were flirting. I quickly checked the comments:

I knew that there will be a cooperation between them! 🥳

Does anyone else see Jimmy and Keira flirting in the second pic? 📸🤨

That bitch better leaves Jimmy alone! 😒

OMG. I bet there is something going on between them. 😏

I love Keira and the Beast Crew. I'm so hyped for this cooperation!

Is this his new girlfriend? If not, he better make her his, she's hot.🔥

I'll ship them!

Oh shit, some people really think me and Jimmy are a thing. I bet Jimmy didn't noticed us both in the background. But now it's online so I guess we must deal with the rumors. I decided to ignore the rumors cause people are always talking and interpreting things on the internet. A statement would only light the fire even more.

I finished my breakfast and headed outside. I decided to walk over to Karl's by foot because I still had enough time and I wanted to discover the town before. I arrived at Karl's home at 1 p.m. after a nice walk around Greenville. I rang the bell and Karl opened the door, pulling me into a warm and welcoming hug. We had a fun afternoon together. Karl is really talented when it comes to new dance moves and I taught him some pretty cool moves. Between the dancing we also joked a lot and I feel like we became close friends. I left Karl's place at 5 p.m. and went for a walk again. On my way I bought myself a Sandwich and made my way back to the hotel while eating.

Back at my hotel room I laid down on my bed and suddenly got bored. My phone buzzed, showing a message from Jimmy:

Jimmy: Hey, still teaching Karl some moves for the club?

Keira: Nah, I'm back at the hotel, currently dying from boredom..

Jimmy saw the message and had didn't reply. Had I written something wrong? Again, I started overthinking. Maybe he just got distracted by something. I scrolled through Instagram and decided to take a shower afterwards. I left the bathroom only in a towel when I heard a knock at the door.

Who could be knocking on her door? 👀

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