23. Just imagine him in underwear

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„That was one of the worst experiences in my life." I sighed as I let myself fall on Karl's' coach. "You haven't said a word about what happened?", Karl asked closing the door behind him. "No, it was just so awkward. None of us wanted to talk about anything and then I just started the lesson.", I responded and buried my face into my hands in embarrassment. "That sounds awful. Was the dancing at least successful?", Karl sat down next to me, laying an arm around my bag. "Yeah, he did well. Even in the close part he guided well.", I told Karl. "How did the close part feel?", Karl looked at me. "Like my body would ignite in a big fire." Dancing this close to Jimmy felt amazing. "K, I know you don't want to hear this, but you're falling for Jimmy... hard.", he chuckled. "I know.", I groaned and leaned my head against his shoulder. I definitely fall harder for Jimmy every day. Coming back to Greenville was the worst idea in my life. How should I keep up with just being friends with him over the next two days?! Even if I try to set my mind to this, my body wants Jimmy. "Let's cook some dinner to take your mind off this.", Karl suggested and I nodded in response.

We both stood up and moved to the kitchen. We wanted to cook a vegan curry. "You want to put on some music?", he asked while opening the fridge. "Of course.", I said and pulled out my phone to connect to his Bluetooth speaker. We both started cutting veggies while singing to "I kissed a girl" by Katie Perry. The cooking took us a whole hour because we had to stop for a little dance so often. It really was more dancing and singing than cooking. Finally finished, we decided to watch a movie while eating. "How about Mean girls?", Karl suggested a movie. "Yes please"", I was excited. This was the perfect film for a day like this. We ate our very delicious curry and watched the movie until we both decided to go to bed. The day with Jimmy was pretty exhausting. Not only physically but mentally too.

I laid in bed thinking of the day. Jimmy was so distant to me today. It really felt like he doesn't want to spent time with me. On the other hand he seemed very nervous. I was so confused. One time it felt like he doesn't like me that much and then it felt like I made him really nervous. This dude is driving me insane. How should I try to be friends with him? This is going to be impossible. I took a deep breath in. I just had to survive the next 2 days with Jimmy and then I just could chill with Karl, Chris and the other boys. With these thoughts I finally managed to fall asleep.

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I groaned at the thought of working with Jimmy together today. I hid my face under the sheets. Laying like this for 10 more minutes, I finally decided to leave the bed. I shouldn't let my day ruin by a man. I went to the bathroom and got ready for the day before I headed down to the kitchen. I started the coffee machine and tried to make some pancakes while waiting for the coffee. I was flipping the pancakes in the pan when Karl entered the kitchen. "Morning,", I smiled at Karl. "Morning.", he responded yawning. "Want some coffee?", I asked him and he nodded in response. I filled coffee in two mugs and handed him one. "You slept well?", he asked. "Nope, was busy thinking of Jimmy.", I answered. "Then why are you that awake?", he was confused. "Cause I'm making pancakes and he isn't worth ruining my day.", I said while putting the pancakes on a plate. "I like your spirit.", Karl laughed. Just two more days and Jimmy would leave. I tried to just think about the good time with the boys. Staying at Karl's place really was helping to sort my thoughts. We both started eating the pancakes and Karl tried to distract me from the upcoming day which worked pretty well. The vibe between the two of us just matched like Tequila and lime but Chris was adding the salt.

After the breakfast we got ready and Chris picked us up again. "Are you ready to face Jimmy today?", Chris asked me. "I wish I could say yes, but the closer it gets the more nervous I am." I responded honestly. I really confessed myself to stay calm, but for real, how could someone stay calm around their crush?! "Just imagine him in underwear if that helps.", Karl suggested. "Dude, she had sex with him. I don't think that this will help her.", Chris chuckled. "Oh.. yeah. True.", Karl said and I laughed. We arrived at the Warehouse and I tried to prepare myself mentally for the next hours before I entered the room for our dance lessons.

I actually created a Playlist for Keira. Feel free to listen to the music and catch her vibe: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4eJMWm17Rq9CRVnzcoMx7Q?si=G3QEVajhQ4O3wfiffCUoWw 💃

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