14. I will drop you off at the roadside

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Sorry for not uploading the last few days. I had visited some friends in another city to celebrate their local christopher street day. 🏳️‍🌈
Have fun with the new chapter.

After Jimmy had left I went to bed quickly to finally get some rest. I laid down on my bed and everything was spinning. Why am I that drunk from just champagne?! Stupid sparkling wine... I thought about what happened with Jimmy minutes before. We really made out and I don't know how far it would have gone if the phone call hadn't interrupted us. With the thought about his lips on mine I fell asleep with a comfortable warm feeling.

The sound of my alarm clock snapped me out of Jimmy dreamland. I stood up and went into the bathroom for a shower, thinking about what happened last night again. Obviously, Jimmy liked me in a more than friendship way too. At least he finds me attractive enough to make out with me. Or was he just drunk and wouldn't like me that way sober? I really should talk with him about what happened. I left the shower and decided to change into my favorite summer dress cause today was the filming day and I won't have to dance there. My phone started ringing and I answered the call. It was Chris. "Hey, I know Jimmy wanted to pick you up but his mum is currently in the hospital so he wouldn't make it in time. So I'm in charge to pick you up.", he said. I decided to not let Chris know that I already knew the part with Jimmy's mom. What happened yesterday is a thing between Jimmy and me. And maybe Mel because she is my best friend and knows literally everything. That's just what besties do, talking about boy or girl problems. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear. Is his mum alright? What happened?", I responded. "I don't have much information. He just called me this morning and asked me to drive you to the shooting.", Chris answered my question. "I could pick you up in 20 minutes, if you're ready?" "Yes, I will wait downstairs, thank you Chris.", I told him. We hung up and I packed my backpack with some stuff for the day.

I met Chris at the parking lot and we drove to the Warehouse together. We had a nice chit-chat on our way and I realized why he is called the meme god. Chris actually is a really funny guy and he also told me a lot about his son Tucker. He seemed like a nice dad. You could hear how proud he is of his son. We finally arrived at the Warehouse, seeing the other guys loading filming stuff into some cars. Jimmy was not there. I greeted everyone and helped them packing. "Jimmy will join us later, we should already start heading to the first location. Tareq knows the filming schedule and the script, so this shouldn't be a problem.", Chris instructed us. We split up into the cars and I found myself next to Karl in the backseat of Chris' car. "You're ready for your big day?", I smiled at him. "Honestly, I'm a bit nervous. I'm afraid that I could forget the choreo.", he responded. "Karl you really know the choreo well and you're an amazing dancer, nothing to worry about.", I cheered him up. "Thanks K, you're a great friend.", he said and smiled. On our drive to the location we were vibing to 80s aerobic music to get into the mood for the video. Karl and I started singing and dancing to the song Call on me loudly, annoying Chris in the front seat. "Gosh, stop it or I will drop you off at the roadside.", Chris knocked his head onto the steering wheel while he was waiting at a red traffic light. Chandler burst out singing too at the next chorus and Chris knocked his head on the steering wheel again, accidently pressing the horn. We all started laughing.

Our first location was a park where the guys had to do the dance moves on a field. I helped with the unpacking of the equipment and helped Chandler, Chris and Karl warming up. During the filming I stood behind the cameras, watching the boys doing their dance. They did pretty well and no one missed any steps of the choreo. I was proud of them. After two hours we finished the filming part in the park and decided to grab some food before driving to the next location. We loaded everything back into the cars and drove to McDonalds. Could this be my first day without pizza or sushi since I arrived here? We finished our food and drove to the next location: An empty dance studio. "Can you open the door while we unpack everything?", Tareq asked, handing me the keys. I nodded and headed to the front door. It was already open. I entered and headed down the floor, finding myself in a dance hall. Wow, this room had amazing lighting due to some big windows. I heard footsteps behind me. "You like it here?", Jimmy asked. I turned around to him. "Yes, this place is beautiful, sad that a place like this is empty.", I whispered. We now stood really close in front of each other. Our eyes met and Jimmy slowly moved closer to me.

Sorry for the cliffhanger 🤭

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