22. Waltz of the Flowers

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The next morning, I woke up a few minutes before my alarm clock. I decided to head to the kitchen for some coffee. "Morning!", Karl greeted me as I entered the kitchen. "You want some coffee?". "Morning, yes please.", I responded with a smile. I took a seat at one of the stools at the counter and Karl handed me a mug of freshly brewed coffee with some oat milk. I thanked him and he took a seat next to me. "You're ready for today?", he asked. "Nope, definitely not.", I groaned as I thought about the day ahead. I wasn't really ready to face Jimmy. "You've got this K.", Karl tried to cheer me up, putting an arm around my shoulder. "I hope so.", I responded. "You want some breakfast? We could make some bagels.", he suggested. I nodded and we both stood up to make us some food. He started joking around to cheer me up and distract me from the upcoming day and it worked. We ate our bagels and drank our coffee before we both got ready for the day. Chris would pick us up and drive to the Warehouse with us. Karl and Chris had some work to do there and I would meet up with Jimmy.

After we both got ready, we left the house, waiting for Chris. "Shotgun!", I called as he showed up on the driveway. "Fuck you!", Karl laughed. We entered the car and greeted Chris. "You had some fun last evening? I watched the stream.", Chris said with a smile. "Yes, it was great.", I responded. We continued the conversation until we arrived at the Warehouse. We left the car and I stood in front of the entrance. I took a deep breath. "You've got this.", Chris said and I smiled at him. Karl opened the door for us and we entered. "We both got a meeting now, Jimmy is in the room from our last lessons. Just stay cool. You can do it.", Karl looked at me. I said goodbye and headed down the floor. Again I took a deep breath before entering the room.

Jimmy leaned against a desk when I entered. "Hi.", he greeted. "Hi.", I greeted back. We stood there for a few awkward moments not knowing what to say. "Uhm, so you wanna start?", I asked and interrupted the silence. "Yeah, sure", Jimmy answered. "I guess you have to learn some standard dance? Do you already know some steps?", I continued asking. "Yes, but I only know a few steps.", he responded. "Okay, just stand behind me. I will show you the moves and you just try to copy me.", I instructed him. He nodded and got in line. I started with the slow waltz. I showed him the steps for the male part and he tried to follow the steps.

After one and a half hour we took a break to drink something. We didn't talk the whole time. "Keira I...", Jimmy interrupted the silence. "I really appreciate your help.", he completed his sentence. "No problem, I'm always there to help a friend out.", I responded, keeping up the thought of me and Jimmy as just friends. He didn't say anything after my respond. "Let's try it together with some music now.", I connected my phone with the Bluetoothspeaker which we had also used last time I was here. I headed to Jimmy as "Waltz of the Flowers" from Tchaikovsky started playing. "Put your hand over here.", I guided his right hand on my back and placed my left one on top of his shoulder. I had to swallow because we now stood really close to each other. I took his free hand with my right and tried to avoid eye contact. "Remember that you must guide your partner. Just dance with me like you should with your date at the event.", I forced a smile on my face and we started dancing. He was not that bad and with some more training he should be fine and prepared for the charity event. I bet he could impress his date for the event.

After another hour we stopped for a lunchbreak. I left the room fast to avoid talking to Jimmy. I met Chris in the hallway. "How is it going?", he asked. "Awful, he's doing fine but the whole situation is just awkward.", I answered him. "Oh no, wanna go grab some lunch and clear your head?", Chris suggested. "Yes please.", I smiled and we headed to his car. We decided to grab some sandwiches at a local diner. Chris tried to distract me with some of his S-Tier jokes and it worked well. I forgot about Jimmy and the dance lesson for a few moments. "You wanna get back to the Warehouse?", he asked after we had finished our food. "No, but we have to.", I groaned. "I'm done with my stuff, I can sit there while you guys train if that makes you feel better.", Chris looked at me with a cheerful smile. "That would be great. Thank you so much!", I gave him a hug.

The next few hours of the lesson felt less awkward due to the presence of Chris. Even Chandler and Karl joined and it nearly felt like the time before Jimmy and I had sex. Despite this I was happy as we finished for the day and I could leave with Karl. The first day was horrible and I already feared the next one.

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