One: Well well well...

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"Hello, Mr. Lee, you can call me Dr. Seo, I'll be your psychologist from now on."

Minho didn't respond, he just...stared.

"So, mind telling me how you got here?"

Minho smiled this time.

"Where should I start?"
"From the beginning."


Minho sighed as he entered the school, an immediate smile making it's way into his face. He knew how his day would go, because it went the same every single god damn day. Humming quietly as he put his books in his locker, a force smashed into the door from behind, causing it to swing shut and almost take Minho's hand with it. Okay, so maybe he wasn't expecting that. He looked up in surprise, confused and a little irritated. His irritation soon fizzled down, realized who had hit him. Standing in front of him was Han Jisung. Minho knew him well. Everyone did. His chubby, squirrel like cheeks were hard to miss, let alone his vibrant fishnet stockings that he wore almost everyday under multiple different pairs of ripped jeans. His hair was an orangish color. Minho gulped, mentally preparing himself for what was to come.

"C-Can I help you, H-Han?"

Jisung narrowed his eyes at Minho and got closer, backing the boy into the lockers.

"What's your name?"
"M-Minho! L-Lee Minho."
"Well, Lee Minho,"

Jisung pulled a small paper out of his pocket and stuffed it in the older boy's hand.

"The teacher requested you tutor me."
"T-Tutor you!?!"
"Did I stutter? You'll meet me after school today. At the gate. Be late, and I'll hang your head on the flag pole out front, and what a waste of a pretty face that'd be, hm?"

Minho nodded slowly, trying to melt into the lockers, pure fear present in his eyes.


With that, Jisung walked away. Minho gulped once more and clutched his bag that tightly to his chest as he slowly began making his way down the hallway, feet dragging, feeling oddly heavier than usual. Once inside his class room, he sat in his assigned seat and buried his face in his hands.

"Hey! Minho-hyung!"

Minho looked up as Minhyuk, his older brother plopped himself down onto the seat next to his.

"You look like someone just told you one of your cats died. You good?"
"No. I have to tutor Han."

Minhyuk choked on the sweet tea he was drinking, quickly covering his face with his elbow.

"you WHAT?"
"You heard me."
"Why you?"
"I don't know!"
"Well...I wish you good luck. Better hope he doesn't gut you within the first ten minutes."

Minho stared at the desk intensely, his heart pumping out of his chest. This should be fine. Everything will be fine. It'll be okay. He'll be okay.

Fuck, he was not okay.


"That sums up our time for today, Minho. Mind if we pick up this story from here, tomorrow?"

"I don't care. I'm in here for life, I have all the time in the world."

Minho laughed, approaching the glass wall between Changing and himself.

" gets gruesome, doctor. Are you sure you wanna hear this story?"

Changing took a deep breath, nodding slowly, looking Minho dead in the eye. The action seemed to only amuse Minho more.

"Ooh, you're fun! Jisungie would love you. Say hello to him for me, yah? Oh and...enjoy your life while it lasts."

A sinister smile made it's way into Minho's face before he was blocked out of view by a curtain. Changing looked to the side, seeing another staff member. She must have pulled it closed. 'enjoy your life when it lasts'? What the Fuck did that mean?

A/n: yes. I started another book. Sue me. Anyway, I FINALLY UPDATED SMTH AT LEAST :) Are you guys excited for this one? I kinda am. I like stories like these tbh. Also, I hope you guys know most of my stories are dark and sometimes gruesome- take "Bunny" for example, that one is actually based off a toxic relationship I had. And the rest are just for shits and giggles so, enjoy!!! I love you guys! ❤️

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