21: I love you like a poem.

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Minho took Jisung's hand as the two stepped out of the house. It had been a year now since the two had been out into the world. A year since they were caught and held in those stupid rooms. It was roughly 12 in the morning, and the two walked down the familiar streets of their old neighborhood. They'd decided they should go at night, considering there was probably a good cash reward on their heads right now. They held hands as they walked, Jisung smiling happily, letting out joyful laughter whenever Minho stopped to twirl him underneath one of the streetlights. The empty street seemed endless, but they didn't notice, too entranced with one another. Eventually, they came across the school. The school that Minho once felt trapped in. Hands still intertwined, both boys looked at the ruins. Ash, dirt and charred pieces of building were scattered everywhere. The walls had crumbled, leaving the building in bits. It seems like no one had cared to rebuild it, so it just sat, in ruins. Minho smiled. Turning to Jisung, who also looked back at him, Minho squeezed his hand slightly. 

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" 

Jisung nodded, flashing a mischievous smile. Both boys ran forward, jumping easily over one of the broken down and crumbled walls. Once inside, they walked around aimlessly. 

"Can you believe this was once Mr. Park's office?" 

Jisung said. Minho laughed and shook his head. Suddenly, he had a very obviously genius idea. 

"Let's go up to the roof."
"What? Minho, are you insane? Y'know how unstable it probably is?" 
"We'll be fine, please Jisungie?" 

Jisung gave in, seeing the pout on Minho's face. Minho excitedly grabbed Jisung's hand, running up to stairs. The stairs seemed stable enough, maybe the roof was still okay. Once on the roof, Minho helped Jisung up the last step. The younger's eyes lit up, widening as he looked around. It was beautiful, You could see almost the whole sky from here it seemed. The sky was littered with stars. Jisung had never seen the sky look this pretty. The moon was full and shone down, lighting the rooftop up slightly. 

"It's beautiful." 

Jisung said. Minho watched Jisung as he stared in awe. Minho didn't think it was possible, but he felt himself starting to fall deeper for Jisung. The younger looked so...stunning. The way His blue hair reflected the light of the moon, making him almost glow. The way his eyes shined brighter than the stars themselves. The smile he had was enough to drive Minho wild. The he realized, Jisung wasn't looking at the stars anymore. He was looking at Minho. Minho swears up and down, in that moment, Jisung's eyes held the entire universe in them. Minho held Jisung's hand tightly, giving him another small twirl before pulling him in. Jisung's laugh was music to Minho's ears, he could listen to it forever. Around them, the flashes of lightning allowed them to see each other clearly in the dark. Thunder echoed, but they didn't hear. 

"I love you, Han Jisung. I don't know what I'd do without you." 

Raindrops began falling, splatting against the pavement and the ground around them. They didn't care. Jisung smiled, pulling Minho down slightly, pressing their lips together. Minho couldn't get enough of the other, Jisung was intoxicating and Minho loved it. The rain pour around them, soaking both of them completely. Pulling away, they both giggled quietly. Minho held Jisung's waist carefully, intertwining his free hand with Jisung's. Jisung's eyes widened as Minho began to sway the both of them, laughing at Jisung's reaction. 

"Hyung! This is so cheesy, oh my god, you're so embarrassing!" 

Jisung whined, laughing too as Minho spun him around.  

"Oh shut up, you love it." 

Jisung smiled. The two danced to shamelessly on the rooftop of their burnt down school to music only they could hear. The world around them had faded away, all that mattered to them now was that they had each other. 


The two laid on the roof, staring at the sky. It had stopped raining now and neither of them knew what time it was. It'd been hours now that they'd been out. They didn't care, the others could wait. They were still soaked, but it didn't matter. They smiled and whispered sweet nothings to each other, giggling like a couple of lovesick teenagers. Before they knew it, it was sunrise. The two sat up, looking at the mix of colors. Oranges, blues and reds. It was breath taking. They shared a smile as Minho helped Jisung up. They yawned, stretching before they walked downstairs. The walk home was quiet, but it was a comfortable silence. They stopped a couple of times, Jisung being drawn in by the flowers on the bushes that they hadn't paid much attention to on there walk before. 

"Hey, Jisungie?" 
"Yes, hyung?" 
"I hope you know how much you mean to me, because I truly couldn't have made it this far without you. You saved me, Sungie, I was so tired of being perfect. You showed me I don't have to be perfect to be loved." 

Jisung smiled, kissing Minho softly on the cheek. 

"I love you so much, Minho-hyung. You don't have to pretend to be anything with me, I'll always love you. I'm so glad I met you, hyung." 

Minho smiled as well, hugging Jisung tightly.

I love you, my Jisungie.

The way you look at the stars, 

I've never seen a person look as beautiful as you do. 

I want to look at you forever,

be with you forever, 

love you forever.

The way your eyes hold the universe in them, 

I want you to look at me like that


Smile at me like that


I truly cannot get enough of you, 

my love. 

I want to love you in this life,

and the next,

then all the ones after. 

Loving you is my favorite part

 of being me

because how lucky can one get, 

to be able to say they love 

and are loved

by you.


A/N: Stop bc i made myself feel so fucking single while writing this I NEED A GIRLFRIEND IM SO SAD- anyways. I hope yall enjoyed some more minsung fluff hehe<3 Dude the poem at the end was purely to take up space so it'd finally reach 1000 words LMAO- I hope yall liked it though. 

love ya bitches<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2023 ⏰

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