15: Catch me, I'm falling.

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"Hey, sleeping beauty."

Changbin looked up Minho.

"More lovely tales await you. However, there is a slight change today."

Minho smirked and he circled Changbin. Out from behind a corner, Jisung came out, smiling.

"Jisung will be telling this part of the story. As you know, I was at the tree. I also wasn't quite myself when that happened. That area of my memory is blotchy and blurry, so instead, I'll have my Jisungie tell you his point of view of this chapter of my life."

Changbin swallowed the lump in his throat as he glanced at Jisung, who was chewing his nails. Changbin was already sick of being here. He wanted to go home. But need needed to know. He must. So, he sat tight and stayed quiet. He ignored the way the ropes that bound his wrists together had rubbed his skin raw. He ignored the way his hair felt gross with sweat and oils. He ignored the empty feeling in his stomach. And he definitely ignored the painful sting in his heart at the sight if Felix wrapped tightly in the arms of Stray Kids' leader. Changbin knew it was wrong, but the blonde boy was so..charming. Changbin couldn't help but have a small crush on the boy. He honestly wondered what the others looked like. Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jeongin. Where were they? Changbin had only met those four. So where were the others? As curious as Changbin was, he was afraid.

"Hey, come back to us, dipshit, I'm not as nice as Minnie-hyung.

Jisung snapped in Changbin's face, bringing him back to reality. He realized he had zoned out staring at Felix, of course. The small blonde boy was smirking at him, occupying his hands was a butterfly knife, the object spinning around in his hand and around his fingers as though he was controlling it with his mind, moving it exactly where he wanted it. Without warning, the object came flying toward his head. Changbin gasped and ducked, almost too late. The knife flew right over his head and into the wall. He stared at Felix who was laughing.

"Oh boy, hyungs! Did you see his face?"
"Very funny, Felix."

Changbin mumbled. Felix trotted over to him, gripping his jaw tightly, forcefully turning his head from side to side to side while Changbin groaned a little in pain. As uncomfortable as it was, his body betrayed him as blood began rushing to his cheeks, tinting them red. Felix hummed before pushing Changbin back by his jaw.

"Hyunjin will eat you up. You're just his type, ain't he, hyung?"

Minho, next to Felix hummed a little.

"You're right, Lixie. In fact...I have an idea. Jisungie, on with the story please?"

With that, he left, Felix following behind. With no distractions left, Jisung began the story.


Jisung was in class when Minho texted him. Not like he cared too much about the lesson, geometry was never his thing. He pulled his phone out.

Find me, please.

Find him? Jisung stood up and put his books in his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder as he began to walk out of the class.

"Mr. Han, where might you be going?"
"Did you ask permission?"

Jisung scoffed as he opened the door, flipping the teacher off behind him.

"Han Jisung does not ask for permission, bitch."

With that, he slammed the door behind him. The hallways were empty, but wouldn't be for long. It was 10 minutes till the bell. He sped up, desperate to get out of the building before the hallways started flooding with students. His small speed walk turned into a jog, finally outside of the school building. He sighed as he crossed the street. Where are you, Lee Minho? He asked himself as he began walking around the town. He popped in his headphones to drown out the world around him. Jisung always thought the world was too loud. People talking and yelling, animals chirping and making their noises. Dogs barking. Babies crying. He could hear everything, yet nothing at the same time. All the noises were always one big jumbled up mess of sound. It never made sense. So to quiet it down, he listened to music. Sound that made sense. Sound he could understand. He walked up and down the streets looking for Minho. 20 minutes had passed since Jisung had replied to Minho's message. It was a simple "Stay put," and Jisung hoped Minho obeyed. Truth be told, Jisung worried about Minho. The boy had been pulled out of his old life so fast without any choice. Sometimes Jisung wondered if Minho really wanted this. His thoughts were always reassured and put to ease whenever he saw the happiness in Minho's eyes whenever he talked to the others, or the excited laughter he let out whenever he beat Hyunjin in a game, the smile he had when telling Chan "better luck next time" that time that he had beaten the older in bowling. Jisung knew Minho was happy where he was. He just wanted the best for his hyung. His hyung that made him smile. His hyung that always had his back. His hyung that made his heart beat to an unfamiliar tune. A tune Jisung wished he understood.

Because Jisung really liked Minho. Minho.


Jisung said as he approached the sleeping boy. Minho had fallen asleep against the old oak tree in the park. Cliche, Jisung giggled. Carefully, he sat down beside Minho and shifted the older, laying his head in Jisung's lap. Minho stirred and looked up.

"Jisung? You found me..."

he mumbled.

"Of course I did, hyung. I'll always find you."

Minho smiled, falling back to sleep on Jisung's lap. Jisung smiled and ran his finger's through the older's hair. He looked so peaceful. How is this the same boy who killed a warehouse of men for me? He pondered.

He guessed he'll never know.



Jisung looked up at Minho.

"Yes, Hyungie?"
"I'm afraid your time with Binnie is up."
"Awe, Hyung! Right when it was about to get good?"

Jisung pouted and got up, making his way over to Minho, who wrapped his arms protectively around the younger. Minho smiled.

"I need to give Binnie his surprise. Jinnie, come in here, please?"

Minho turned his attention to Changbin, letting go of Jisung temporarily, smiling.

"You have a new supervisor. I'm afraid Felix and Chan were busy today. So sorry."

His smile dropped to a sadistic smirk, his eyes noticably darkening.

"Say hello to..."

Minho, Changbin and Jisung all turned. Into the room came another boy. Changbin's eyes widened. The boy had on knee high leather boots, tight leather pants, and a black, fishnet halter top that had been tucked neatly into his pants. He had a necklace on, at the end of the chain was a mini pocket knife. He had shoulder length, dark brown hair and eyes sharp enough to kill. His lips were plump and formed a smirk similar to Minho's. Changbin gulped. This boy was stunning in the most terrifyingly pleasing way. Changbin was scared to say the least. The boy walked toward him, gently pushing him down, flat onto his back with his foot, resting it on Changbin's chest and he knelt down to observe him. Changbin gasped a little for breath as he looked at him.

"Go easy of him, yes, Hyunjin? Poor boy is terrified."

Minho laughed. Out of the corner of Changbin's eye, he saw Minho leave with Jisung. The lights dimmed and Hyunjin giggled.

"Oh, this'll be fun."

a/n: oh my god, bin, you actually UPDATED? woah. Crazy. Any way. I was to apologize...again. My life is a mess rn, and I haven't had much motivation for posting. BUT! With school starting, I'm getting better motivation to write and I promise I'll start posting more soon. YOUR BOY IS BACK!

Love ya bitches<3

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