Three: Really?

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"Hm. Mr.Lee, you claimed you didn't understand why he did this at the moment?"
"No. I didn't."

Changbin thought for a minute.

"Okay, well how did his action make you feel?"

Minho fell silent for a couple seconds, thinking.

"It made you feel...fuzzy? Like, a good fuzzy?"
"Mhm. Like a stuffed teddy bear. Warm and safe."

Changbin hummed.

"Mr. lee--"
"Call me Minho. Mr.Lee makes me sound like a rich bitch CEO of some shit."
"Okay...Minho. Please continue your story."


Minho gulped once more, fear taking over as he carefully walked up to steps of the house. He was in a house full of psychopaths, what the Fuck was he supposed to do? Prance happily like he's in a field of unicorns? His head hurt.

"J-Jisung...are we actually studying?"

Jisung smirked. Shit. Minho froze under Jisung's gaze.

"Well aren't you a smart one...Minnie."

Minho didn't know why the nickname managed to shoot chills down his spine, nor did he want to know.

"T-then what are we d-doing?"
"You're gonna help us."

Minho's eyes widened.

"W-with that!? What am I helpful for?!"
"Yell and me again and I'll dislocate your jaw. You're gonna help us break out my twin brother."

Twin? Jisung had a twin-?

"Oh, of course you don't fucking know. He's been in that god forsaken mental institute since he tried to burn our elementary school down."

WHAT? Minho knew for DAMN sure he didn't wanna be part of this.

"W-What's his n-name?"

Wait, what? Minho didn't care, why was he asking?

"Lee Felix."

Minho took a deep breath, calming himself before replying.

"And how will I help you?"

Jisung smiled.

"Do you know how to use a gun, Minho?"


Minho stared at the mirror. He was home now, but Jisung was due to pick him up in about 15 minutes. Minho didn't recognize the boy in the mirror. This boy had purple highlights in his caramel brown hair that made him stand out. This boy wore a leather jacket, and ripped, black skinny jeans rather than light blue, loose jeans and pastel sweaters. This boy wore combat boots, as though he was ready to stomp on someone, instead of the comfy, padded sketchers. This boy wasn't Minho. This boy was what Jisung wanted Minho to be, and Minho didn't mind. A knock on his window brought him out of his thoughts and back into reality. Sitting on the roof area right under Minho's window was Jisung. His hair was fluffy, and he had changed his boots. Now they were black, with a bigger platform on the bottom.

"Well well well, don't you look dashing."

Jisung snickered as Minho stepped out of his window, onto the roof below them, his stomach filled with an uneasy feeling. He had never disobeyed his parents or snuck out, now this being his first time was to go break some psychopaths brother out of a mental institute. What the Fuck? Minho was genuinely considering his sanity.

"Don't look too bad where to?"
"Chris is in the car, the other are too. Hope you don't mind getting a wee bit squished."
"Sure whatever."

Minho hopped down with Jisung's help and the two got into the car quickly before Chan drove off at full speed. Minho was still as a board the entire time, stuck between Jisung and some boy who he heard Chan refer to as 'Seungmin'.

"So. Jisung, why did you decide bring Mr. Perfect here was a good idea?"
"Because you're shit at covering me."
"Oh really? You think he's gonna do any be--"
"Hwang fucking Hyunjin you are on THIN ICE."

Jisung growled. Minho didn't wanna admit it but it was kinda hot. He hoped the heat the rose to his cheeks wasn't visible.

"Whatever. Chris, what's your opinion?"
"I don't really give a shit, the more the merrier I suppose. As long as he doesn't get himself killed, cuz then we get caught."

Minho swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath.

"I'm a lot less incompetent than you guys think, y'know..."
"Oh really? Like how so?"
"Black belt in taekwondo-"


"....Okay maybe he'll come in handy."
"Good, cause we're here."

The car came to a a screeching halt at the large white building, and before he knew it, Jisung had grabbed his wrist and was dragging him out whilst chan drive off again. Taking another deep breath, Jisung lead Himself, Minho, Seungmin and Hyunjin into the building.


A/n: OKay so I know I said bunny would be my next update but idk- I kinda lost a teensy bit of motivation for that But I promise I'll get it done soon! For now, enjoy your day/night! Love you all!!<3

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