Ten: well aren't you entertaining.

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Changbin can't say that night was fun. He and Felix sat in silence for the entire night until he had fallen asleep. He can't even tell you what time it was, just that it was definitely late. He was currently, still passed out on the floor. Or at least he was, until Minho rudely awoke him.

"Alright, wakey wakey, hoe. It's 9:00!"

Changbin groaned and slowly opened his eyes. When he realized Minho was kneeling right in front of him, he gasped.

"Welcome back to the land of the living, have fun in Dreamland?"
"Yep. Just about as much as I'm having here."
"You really have some bite in you for someone with a head I could easily rip off with my bare hands."

Minho growled. Changbin got the message and backed down, nodding slowly.

"Now, ready for some more gruesome fairy tales?"

Changbin nodded again.

"Good, you didn't actually have a choice."

Minho woke up that day a little lightheaded but dragged himself out of bed anyway. He slipped on one of Jisung's pull over hoodies and some jeans before heading downstairs to join the others.

"Good morning, hyungie."
"Hello, Innie. Do we have school today?"
"Damn. That sucks."

Minho yawned and ruffled Jeongin's hair before sitting down and thanking Chan for the food.


School that day was BUZZING. Minho heard whispers everywhere, and students all over the hallways were giving him sympathetic looks. Minho could only act clueless and bite back a smirk when someone told him 'im sorry for your loss' or asked if he was okay. Of course he was. He had never felt better. Especially at lunch, when a couple police officers came to question him. The older males circled him, the one in the middle explaining as gently as he could about ehat had happened. Minho made sure to make a big deal out of busting into tears and sobbing his heart out. Not to big, of course. That'd be suspicious. The police brought him to the office for questioning.

"Mr. Lee, you understand why you're there right?"
"No, not really..."
"We are legally obligated to ask you what your whereabouts were that evening."
"Uhm..okay. you said this was last night..right?"
"Yes. Were you not aware?"
"No...I've been staying at my boyfriend's house with his roommates these past few days."
"Oh. Can you tell us who your boyfriend is? And his roommates too, please."
"I guess. My boyfriend is Han Jisung, and his roommates are Bang Christopher Chan, Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin and Yang Jeongin."
"That's a lot of people, Mr. Lee."

Minho let out a sad chuckle.

"I know. Sometimes I wonder how they do it. Honestly I think my mom would have had a heart attack if we lived with that many people."

Minho was quick to muster up more tears, sniffling and crying softly into the sleeves of his boyfriend's pullover. The police officer voice over the intercom, summoning the other 6 boys to the office. They all came in shortly, Jisung immediately running to Minho's side when he saw the state the boy was in. Jisung scooped Minho into a tight embrace, Minho sobbing into the younger males shirt.

"T-They're gone, J-Jisungie..."

Jisung raised an eyebrow in faux confusion, glancing up at the officer, looking for an explanation.

"Who is, hyung?"
"M-my parents..."
"Last night, believably around 12-3 am, Minho's parents were brutally murdered."

Minho only cried harder.

"Oh hyungie.."

Jeongin sat beside Minho and oat the older's head softly.

"Why are we here, officer?"
"I'd like to ask you a couple questions."
"First off, Where were you all on that night."
"We were all home. Minho-hyung an Jisung were having a cuddle party with Felix and Jeongin while watching PowerPuff Girls on the couch, I was helping Seungmin with his homework and Channie-hyung was cooking...what was it again?"
"I think it was spaghetti."
"I thought that was last week?"
"Oh my god does the food matter? He was cooking, that's the point."

The police officer nodded at Hyunjin, ignoring he and Felix's bickering. To the side, Minho was still crying into Jisung's chest mumbling something about 'having a cuddle party while his parents were brutally murdered in his house 3 blocks down.' Jisung comforted the boy, answering questions occasionally when asked. What a long day it was gonna be.


Minho walked into the shared house that day, a large smile on his face. He turned to Jisung, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Did I do a good job, Sungie?"
"Considering you had basically every cop there almost in tears right along with you, I'd say yes."

Minho giggled happily as the group hugged.

"They told me I'm allowed to move in with you. Tomorrow they should have the scene cleaned up, they said I can go and get my clothes and shit then."

Jisung smiled widely.


Minho laughed at his boyfriend's enthusiasm.

"I love you, Jisungie."
"I love you too, Min."

A/n: EeeEEEEee~ anyway. I'm off to bed now cuz I'm sleep deprived asf🤩 love ya bitches ❤️

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