Six: You are in obvious.

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Tap tap tap

Minho looked up. Changbin was knocking on the glass of his cell. Hm, it was already that time of day, was it?

"Hello there, doctor. Miss me?"
"Hello, Minho."

Changbin sighed.

"So, shall I continue in with my lovely tall tale, doctor?"
"Yes, proceed, please."

"You know, you're obvious, Minho."
"How so?"

Chan chuckled as they walked down the hallway. It was dark, only dimly lit by a single overhead light every 15 or so feet.

"You like our little Jisungie."

Minho looked at Chan, his eyes widen in surprise. Chan simply scoffed with a small laugh.

"Don't look at me like that. I know damn well you wouldn't have gone on that killing spree if it had been Felix or I."
"Well I wouldn't call it a 'spree'..."

Chan gave him a look that said "don't gimme that bullshit, mister'.

"Okay fine, maybe I do like Sungie, sue me."
"...I kill people. I don't think I legally CAN sue you. Pretty much nothing we do IS legal though."

Minho hummed in response.

"Hey!! Who the hell are you??!"

A voice shouted from behind them. Minho and Chan quickly turned around to see a man, maybe in his thirties, aiming his gun at them.


Chan raised his hands up in mock surrender.

"Don't shoot, we didn't come here to hurt you."
"Oh, so you came to hurt the boss instead? You think I'm gonna allow that?"
"Sorry sir, but I'm afraid you're not gonna be alive long enough to make that choice."

A snicker echoed through the hallway. The man looked around confused before freezing on spot. He slowly turned his head toward Minho and Chan, and the two finally realized why the man had fallen silent. Crimson dripped down his head, a large dagger had been launched it him, the blade now sticking half way out of his head. The male collapsed on the floor, lifeless. Seungmin swung down from a hole in roof, swiftly grabbing the dagger from the man's skull before launching himself into the air, landing perfectly in front of the two older boys.

"Hello, boys. Miss me?"
"What a lovely entrance."
"Oh, I know. I've been practicing."

Seungmin winked playfully.

"I guess you'll be joining us since Jisung is out of order?"
"Let's get going then."


Jisung head was pounding painfully, he felt like he'd just been hit by an 18 wheeler going full speed on a highway. Carefully, he sat up and looked around, confused.

"Take it easy there, mate."

Felix's voice startled him.

"What happened? Why are we in the van? Why do I feel like I have a pole sticking through my head?"
"Your dumbass for shot, I carried you here for aid, Seungmin is now in there with Chan and Minho."
"Calm down there, Joker. He's fine. God you shoulda seem him, though. If I wasn't already Chansexual I would so join u in Minhosexuality."
"Huh? What'd he do?"
"After u got ur ass shot, he got PISSED. He managed to kill off that entire room of men by himself. Have you heard him laughing when he's watching someone die in front of him? I swear that shit is straight out of a horror movie."
"That's great, Lix, but did you say THE WHOLE ROOM?"
"Yeah! One dude ran out of bullets so Minho shot him in the head, then he shot the second dude in the throat and watched him choke on his own blood while laughing like a maniac. He snapped a dudes neck!!"

Jisung yawned, his head still pounding.

"Yah, get some more rest, dumbass, I'll stay here."

Jisung nodded before dozing off once more.


All around them was littered with dead corpses, some had bullets planted in their heads or other body parts, others had knives sticking out of their eye sockets or throats, and a few had dislocated bones, or had their organs ripped out of their stomachs. Seungmin, Chan and Minho stood in the center of the room, Suengmin's hands holding multiple throwing knives, Chan's pistol was almost out of bullets and Minho's hands had been dyed red with blood from clawing out people insides. His face was smeared with the deep, red liquid and his white sweater and blue jeans were now ruined, decorated by disturbing splotches of brain matter and blood. He was breathing heavily, his hair sticking to his face a little from sweat.

"Jesus Christ, Minho. You're a wreck."
"Yeah, well you'd be dead right now and that guy's heart would still be in his chest if not for me, so I win. Now, lead the way, Chan-hyung."

Chan nodded, leading the group to another room, this one had large wooden doors and Chan walked right up to them, knocking aggressively

"Time to meet the devil himself."

Hey muttered under his breath.

"Aaaand, times up, Minho."
"Awe, already?"
"I'm afraid so"
"Well then, doctor, give Jisungie a good hug for me."

He smirked. Changbin signed and got up, walking away quickly.

Why the hell was he assigned to them of all people?

A/n: I might not update for about 2-3 MAYBE 4 days this week cuz I'm finally doing the next 2 state tests. Imma be hella busy this week and sleep is not exactly a luxury of mine. Anyway, goodnight guys.


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