Nine: You didn't think we'd let you off so quickly, now did you?

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"Oi! hyung! I got him."
"Oh lovely!"

Felix tossed a tied up, barely conscious Changbin onto the floor. Changbin groaned quietly, blinking slowly as he looked around. Minho wondered if he even knew his own name.

"Wow, Lixie, you did s number on him."

Minho giggled.

"My love~"
"Yes, Jisungie?"
"What's the doc doin here?"

Minho smiled.

"I believe he deserves the rest of our story."

Changbin looked up, finally able to recognize the two voices and widened his eyes. Minho smirked at him, approaching slowly.

"I see you finally came to your senses, ay, Binnie?"

Minho kneeled in front of Changbin, gripping the younger boy's jaw and making him look at him.

"You wanted to know our story, bin? Your wish is my command..~"

Changbin glanced to the side, Felix was smirking as well, sitting on another males lap who had his arms wrapped possessively around the petite males waist. Changbin looked back at Minho.



Minho began hanging out with Jisung and the others a lot more, skipping classes, flunking tests, talking back. The students in the school were beyond surprised to see what "Mr. perfect" had become. Minho himself was surprised, but wouldn't have it any other way. His parents started clearly showing their disappointment, his father even slapped him for the first time. Minho only laughed. Today was another day like that. He had gotten a C- on his chemistry test and was currently being scolded. Except this time Jisung was standing there with him

"What the hell do you think you're doing exactly, Minho? You think you're gonna get away with this shit? Hanging out with this kid here is turning you into an idiot and a faggot, I will have neither as my son."

Minho smiled widely.

"Who said I wanted to be your son? Jisungie provides me with everything I need. He makes me happy, he makes me feel complete, something you will never ever grant me!"

His parents only scowled.

"Now, Minho. Don't be stupid. He isn't--"
"He isn't what, mother? There is nothing you will say that will make you change my mind."
"This isn't you, sweetie...please come back to us."
"No. I like me. This is me. What you made me, wasn't. I didn't wanna be perfect. I wanted someone to love, who loved me more and wasn't afraid to show it. I wanted to be someone who didn't care what people thought about me."
"This is bullshit, what's so good about this fag anyway?"
"Everything. Now watch your mouth, father."
"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do you little shit?!"

⚠️here we go again✨☠️⚠️

His hand raised, then came swing down toward Minho. Jisung, who was sitting on the couch, smirking. Minho grabbed his father's wrist, much to the old man's frustration. He cursed and yelled at his son to leg him go, instead, Minho pulled his father closer and smiled, looking him in the eyes before gripping his arm tightly and snapping it at the elbow, a satisfying snap echoing through the room, followed by his father's scream. Minho began laughing maniacally as he shoved his father to the floor. Next to him, his mother was screaming in fear. He reached a hand behind him, Jisung placing a gun in it. He smiled as he held the pistol up to his father's forehead and giggled.

"I told you to be careful, but you didn't listen~"


His mother screamed again as she watched her son kill her husband, and his own father in cold blood. Minho looked over the corpse, then turned to his mother. Jisung happily snuck up behind her, grabbing her shoulders to make her stay still, causing her to shriek in surprise and burst into tears as Minho approached her.

"Oh mom...sweet, naive, mom. You never once thought of me as a son, did you? No, I was an image. I was what painted our family name into the perfect picture it was. Without me, you two would have fallen and failed a long time ago. Without are nothing."

He said, smiling sadistically as he pressed the gun against her temple.

"Have fun in hell, mother. Don't miss me too much."


Blood splattered onto Jisung's face and he smiled.

"You're so cute when your angry, Minnie."

Minho smiled.

"We should leave."
"Yes. Chan-hyung will help us create an alibi."

Minho nodded.


Once at the shared house, Jisung yelled out for a family meeting.

"Alright hoes, if anyone asks or tries to interrogate, Minho was here all night cause he was spending the night with me."
"Okay, can we ask why?"
"I killed my parents."

To his left, Hyunjin choked on his coke, Chan's eyes got comically wide, Seungmin audibly gasped, Jeongin started laughing loudly, and Felix slapped a hand over his mouth, jaw dropping dramatically.

"Well I told them to watch what they said, and they didn't. Plus, after all they did to me, they deserved it."

Jisung nodded.

"So. He stayed here. All night. Got it?"
"Gotcha, Sungie."
"Can do!"

Minho smiled.

"Thank you, guys."
"Of course, hyungie."

The rest of the night consisted of group cuddles and movies.


"You see, doc, after I killed my parents, I had really lost it. I had no one holding me back, anymore. I was free, and I had my Jisungie by my side through it all."

Changbin gulped, seeing the dark look in Minho's eyes. A glint of mischief that Changbin didn't like.

"And you got away with it?"
"Of course. I had 6 people backing up my alibi, and no witnesses. Even if they had found my finger prints around the house, of course they didn't assume shit because I lived there, my finger prints were bound to be there. As for the weapon, you think we're stupid enough to leave it behind?"
"So what exactly did you get taken in for, Minho? What did you do that was so bad that you finally got caught?"

Minho smiled.

"Oh honey, that's a story for another day.'I'm afraid our time here is over.' sound familiar?"
"Ah,ah,ah! You want the story, you have to be patient, Binnie. Wouldn't wanna upset me with that smart mouth, now would you?"
"Good. Felix wanna watch him for the night?"

Felix smirked.

"Of course."


A/n: WHooOOo more death 😃✨ lmao, anyWaYs- I haven't updated in a bit so here ya go<3 imma update 'shhh" today too, cuz why tf not? DOUBLE UPDATE BITCHES, STAY TUNED!! LOVE YA GUYS❤️

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