Five: First signs

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Minho had no school the next day, so naturally he slept in. Around 11:00 thumping woke him up. He groggily sat up, his head hurt like hell, and he looked around. At his window Jisung was looking at him, eyebrow raised. Minho got up and opened the window, sighing quietly.

"Hello there's sleeping beauty. Nice hair."

The boy chuckled. Minho just rolled his eyes.

"Why are you hereeee?"
"You're coming with us today."
"Chan has some people he needs to get back at. Of course after what happened last night, he decided he wanted your help too."

Minho sighed.

"Sure whatever, lemme get dressed."

Jisung nodded, making himself at home on Minho's bed whilst Minho got ready for his adventure. After dressing into a white, cropped sweater and ripped up, light blue jeans, he combed out his hair and brushed his teeth. By the time he was done, Jisung was passed out on his bed. Minho sighed again and slipped on the same pair of combat boots from the previous night, before throwing a pillow at Jisung.

"Wake up!"
"Huh? Oh. You're ready? I'll meet you downstairs."

Jisung said as he stood up and walked toward the window. Before Minho could reply, Jisung had jumped out. Shaking his head Minho decided to just head out.


Minho closed the door behind him and approached Jisung who was sitting in the sidewalk.

"Chan is parked around the corner."

The two walked in silence before finally reaching Chan's car.

"Hi, Hyung"
"Hello, again, Minho."
"Hi Minho-hyung!!"

Jeongin shouted happily, launching himself into the older boys arms. Minho laughed happily, hugging him back.

"Hello, Innie."

The 7 piled into the car again, driving toward their destination. The car ride was chaotic as usual, Jisung and Hyunjin we're in the back preparing the needed arms or weapons such as knives and daggers. Minho has learned a little bit better of everyone's special talents. He and Felix were more towards the combat department, meaning they mainly used their hands rather than weapon, but still didn't mind having a gun on hand. Jisung, Hyunjin and Chan were better with firearms, able to hit almost any target right where they want to, only physically fighting when absolutely necessary. Jeongin and Seungmin usually didn't engage in any of the violence but when needed were very handing with throwing knives and daggers, but they mainly stayed behind in the van, repairing weaponry or patching up injured members.
Their destination was an empty warehouse. Minho already didn't like it.

"Seungmin, you drive around, alright? Innie, hope in the back Incase anyone needs aid, Hyunjin stay behind with Innie and Seungmin, shoot anyone who gets too close or threatens you or the boys in anyway. Jisung, Felix, Minho, you three are coming with me."

Chan said. All 6 boys nodded. Hopping out behind Jisung and after Felix. He had a gun tucked safely in his waistband as he did the night before. He followed behind the 3 boys.

"Alright, the person we're meeting is named Yoon Ji-Hyun. He owes us quite a large sum of money, but hasn't paid. He had an entire year, so now we're here to retrieve it whether he's ready or not."

Chan shrugged. Felix's eyes lit up in excitement.

"Oooh yes!! I haven't had any action since the fire!!"
"Alright little pixie, calm down."

Minho wasn't quite listening anymore, he was more entranced with watching Jisung sneaking behind a wall. Minho had been thinking more about Jisung Lately. His big, doe eyes, his puffy, squirrel cheeks, how he looks so cute an innocent but also really hot covered in blood....wait what- Minho blinked and shook away his thoughts. Weird. Moving on-

"Chan where is this dude anywa--"


A loud bang rang and the 4 boys were quick to drop and cover their heads. Minho managed to look up, catching sight of a boy from around the corner. He had bright blue hair, idiot move for a killer if you ask him. The 4 boys quickly ran around the opposite corner, successfully dodging all the bullets. But when did anything ever go their way?
Jisung was busy pulling his gun out to have noticed, Felix was looking a completely opposite direction, and Chan was following him. Minho was the only one who noticed. His world seemed to spiral and move in slow motion as it happened. A scream ripped the back of his throat, but to him all was silent. Jisung looked back up at him, the bullet in his stomach now bleeding vigorously. Watching Jisung choke and fall into his knees while Chan caught him, was enough to break him. His vision was red and everything felt numb. All he could do was glare. He looked around at the multiple guards around them before pulling him gun out and charging. Behind him, Felix yelled to stop being an idiot cause he was gonna get himself killed. Minho did not hear him. The first guy was shooting aimlessly and repeatedly, Minho successfully dodging every bullet, smirking when the man ran out. The pure panic and fear that bloomed into the man's face sent Minho into pure bliss as he pulled the trigger of his own gun, a bullet planting instead in between the man's eyes as he fell lifeless to the ground. Minho didn't even move from where he was, he simply changed directions. He turned to the left, pulling the trigger once more, watching the man before him choke on his own blood after being shot in the throat. The blood dropped down his chin and onto his clothes, some splashing onto Minho, much like the night before. All Minho did was laugh with joy, watching the man slowly die in front of him. He heard footsteps behind him and whipped around, another man had approached and managed to knock Minho's gun of of his hand, landing a solid punch to the younger boys face. Minho stumbled back in surprise, looking up at the older man with a sadistic smile before swinging his leg up, catching the man's neck in the crook between his ankle and shin, successfully knocking the male to the ground and kicking his gun away before lifting him up by his head and snapping his neck. The one thing he hadn't quiet expected was for someone to drop from the ceiling, but of course when does he ever get what he wants? That begin said, the male wrapped his legs tightly around Minho's throat, cutting off his oxygen. Minho relaxed his shoulders a bit before reaching up, grabbing the man's arms and using all his strength to pull to man coward off of him. He the man fell flat on his back, wheezing. Minho picked up his gun and shot him in the head, more blood splattering on his face and clothes. He took a deep breath. In front of him, Chan and Felix stared wide eyed.

"Damn, Lixie you weren't joking..."

Minho wiped his cheek in an attempt to clean some of the blood off, but failed, only smearing it.

"Lixie, take Jisungie out to the car and have Jeongin care for him. Minho, you and I are going to find this son of a bitch."


"Okay, Minho. That's just bout all our time for today."
"Damn, right when it gets good, huh doctor?"
"My apologies, Minho."
"Sure, whatever. Tell Jisungie I said hi?"
"I suppose."
"Good. Oh, your back, yeah, doctor?"
"Wait what do you--"

Minho smiled his famous, sadistic smile as he backed into the shadows of his cell, the glass being covered by a curtain once more. Changing gulped in fear and hurriedly left the hallway, off to fine his other patient.


A/n: hehehehe<3

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