14: Just another day.

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"Woooo! Good morning, doc, the sun says hello-- Oh. You're already awake. How boring." 

Minho said, pouting a bit. He was right, Changbin was already awake. He hadn't slept at all. How could he? With everything going on he was restless. 

"Well, I guess I should continue, hm? Where was I again? Oh yes, hospital." 

"Wait. I have a question."

"Oh. Shoot."

"What happened to your friend?"

"What friend?" 


"Ahh. Him." 

Minho scrunched his nose up in disgust.

"Funny you ask, I'll be telling you about him soon, so...be patient, yah?" 


"Good. Now, let's continue." 


Minho woke up in the hospital, his head hurt a lot and he could barely move. 

"Hyung? You're awake!"

"Someone go get Jisung!"

Minho looked over and saw Felix, Seungmin and Jeongin at his side. Slowly, he sat up, with the help of another presence he hadn't seen. It was Hyunjin. 

"Easy, Hyung. You've got serious injuries, nothing fatal, thankfully." 

"What? What injuries?" 

"Doctor said you have a mild concussion and-- What were the others?"

"Your right wrist was broken and your left arm was dislocated." 

Minho blinked at his friends. What the hell?

"Do you mind telling us what happened?" 

"It was stupid. Y'all know the football team?"

"Of course."

"They were the ones who broke in."

"Why? And how? Also why didn't you get us?" 

"I didn't have time. I don't know how, busted a window probably. The leader dude, whats his name?"

"Uhh...something with a H? Min you know everyone, who is he?"


"Yeah him. He said something about some girl I threatened being his little sis."

"...They broke in a just for that?" 

"I told you it was stupid."

"Fair enough." 


Jisung came busting in, Chan following behind him. 

"Han Jisung you be careful, he's injured!!!"

Their leader yelled as Jisung screeched to a stop before he could launch himself onto Minho. Minho smiled softly at the younger boy who hugged him tightly. Minho buried his face into the crook of Jisung's neck. 

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