Eight: Hello again, Doctor.

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A/n: PLZ forgive me if there are more spelling/grammer mistakes In this chap, my cat cut the shit out of my thumb to the point where no even a bandaid was doing the trick so this shit is fully wrapped with gauze and it's PROBLEMATIC.

It's been about a week since the break out and now all 7 psychopaths are on the loose. Changbin was afraid for his life, so he had decided to take a couple months off, which were glady given. So far he'd just lay in bed for hours, replaying that days events in his head. It was driving him mad. How had Jisung gotten out? Why did they not kill him then? How long had they had been planning this? He was not only eager to know the answers, but he needed the rest of Minho's story. He needed to know their story and how the 2 had ended up in Changbin's care at a mental facility while the other 5 were in prison. Changbin had been staring at his wall for about 3 hours now, simply replaying that day over and over again in his mind. He wasn't sure what to think of the situation. Minho had been dropping hints, almost as if giving the doctor time to escape. If Changbin had listened better, maybe he could have prevented this.

"You think a lot, don't you, mate?"

Changbin tensed. What the Fuck. Who the hell was in his room?

"I can practically hear your thoughts, Doctor."

Changbin slowly reached for the gun he'd started keeping beneath his pillow, before a clicking sound stopped him. Cold metal was pressed against the back of his head and he quickly retracted his hands, putting them up.

"Wouldn't do that if I were you, doc. I'm sure Minho-hyung wouldn't be happy to hear you gave me trouble."

The unfamiliar voice was closer now. Slowly, Changbin turned around. He regrets that. Turning around to face the voice was possibly one of his worst possible decision in his life, other than becoming a psychologist, because standing in front of him was the most gorgeous boy Changbin thinks he's ever seen. The boy had blonde hair styled into a mullet. He had a headband around his head and a large, green sweater. Changbin could see the many MANY freckles that littered the boy's cheeks that looked soft to the touch. He wanted to reach out and poke them.

"W-who are you, and why are you in my house?"
"Ahh, so he speaks!"
"Yes...I do."
"Very sweet if you to ask why you've been blessed with my wonderful presence. My name is Felix."

Felix...where did he know that name fr-- Lee Felix. Han Jisung's twin brother. Shit.

"W-why are you here!?"
"Feisty. I like you. Anyway, Minho-Hyung for some reason decided he wanted you. He sent me to collect you."

Changbin tilted his head in confusion, carefully reaching up as pushing the tip of Felix's gun down and away from his head, much to Felix's disappointment.

"Well, the fun is over now, Binnie-hyung. What a nice chat, but now I must take you back to the base. Sleep well~"


And just like that, everything went black.


A/n: small update, sorry it wasn't longer, I'm really fucking exhausted. I have had testing all day, had no caffeine, and woke up before the damn sun, so I'm going to sleep ;-;

Goodnight, hope you enjoyed<3

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