Twelve: Make yourself at home, you won't be leaving anytime soon.

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Changbin looked at Minho, a mixture of horror and confusion. Minho only smirked, raising a questioning eyebrow.

"What? Shocked, doctor?"

When Changbin didn't answer, Minho giggled.

"Maybe you'd like Some more of the story, more context, yes?"

Changbin nodded slowly, not even sure why.

"Buckle up buttercup, it only gets worse."


Minho had been living with Jisung and the others for about a week now. He loved it. The 7 boys had never been closer. Today was Monday again, and even though the fake sympathetic stares and comments had stopped finally, Minho still dreaded school. If he was honest, he doesn't think he ever liked it. He had just been brainwashed into believe he did, y'know, perfect parents and all. But he thinks maybe he knew all along, but was just waiting for the perfect escape. When Jisung came, Minho knew he'd be stupid to let the opportunity pass up, and he fell in love. Yes, love. Minho was madly in love with Jisung. In Minho's eyes, it didn't matter how many people Jisung killed, because he was perfect. Jisung was possessive and short tempered, but at the same time, sweet with a bubbly personality. Minho was a fool for the younger boy and he knew it. So when they walked into the school and Jisung made a big deal of pulling Minho closer to him by the waist, Minho almost melted into a puddle. The students that crowded the hallway all stared at the couple, some fuming with jealousy, and others too surprised to even think straight. The school psychopath with Mr. Perfect? How believable was that anyway? Minho just smirked proudly. These idiots didn't know the half of it.
Rumors spread FAST. Minho learned this quickly. By lunch time, whispers we're circling around the cafeteria, fearful, or disgusted glances being sent towards both boys. Minho wasn't stupid, he knew what they were talking about. He heard they're whispers. He heard everything. They thought they were sly, when in reality, Minho was always one step ahead. Of course.

"He's gay?"
"Minho deserves so much better."
"Eww, Minho is a freak!"
"I heard he actually killed his parents."
"That stupid psycho is corrupting out perfect oppa!" (A/n: help, writing that sentence made me almost puke-)

Minho frowned, clenching his fists. Jisung had heard the comment too, he knows. So when Jisung leaned down, and whispered in his ear, Minho giggled.

"Show them, Minnie. Tell them how you truly feel about me."

Minho walked up to the girls. Despite the change of friends, Minho's style itself hadn't changed. The boy still stuck to his cute, pastel and bright colors. Unless they were on a mission of course. Today Minho chose a pink, cropped hoodie and matched it with some dark blue ripped jeans and checkered vans. The boy looked normal, so he put on his most charming smile and approached the girl. He noticed the group had noticed him, squealing quietly as he walked up. He stopped in front of them, still smiling.

"Hello, ladies."
"Mind if I borrow your friend..."
"Yes. Mina."

Minho nearly gagged as the named rolled of his tongue. But he reached his hand out, the girl happily accepting as he led her away. Her friends squealed behind them. Minho pulled the girl to the back of school. Minho suspected that by the time they had reached the exit door to behind the school, she had connected the dots as to what was to come, as she was now squirming in his grip, struggling to get away. But he was stronger. When the two were safely behind the large brick building, he turned around and grabbed her hair, making her yelp in pain as he slammed her against the wall. She cried out in pain, eyes welling up with tears as she sobbed and clawed at his arm, attempting to pull it out of her hair. He only pushed her further into the wall, her cries only increasing as her cheek was pressed harder into the wall.

"Keep my baby Jisungie's name out of your mouth, yes? I'd hate for something bad to happen to that pretty little face of yours. It would be such a shame."

She cried harder, trying to push herself off the wall. He smirked, yanking her hair again so she went toward him. He put a finger to his lips, shushing her before leaning down and whispering into her ear.

"If I hear you or one of your little friends say anything about my lovely boyfriend or myself, I will murder you in cold blood, and mount your decapitated head to the school's bulletin board out front, yes?"

She only nodded, still crying.

"Good. Now...scram."

He pushed her forward roughly, falling into her knees before quickly standing up and scurrying off, legs barely holding her up.

"Well done, my love. You scared her so bad she'll be having nightmares."

Minho giggled and smiled as Jisung walked toward him. Jisung tilted his head, a small smirk placed on his lips.

"The others are waiting."

Jisung said as he leaned closer to Minho.

"....but, they can't wait a little longer."

Minho smiled as Jisung connected their lips. Minho loved it when Jisung kissed him. It made him feel... ecstatic.


"Hyungggg! What's taking them so long?"

Chan raised his eyebrow, tilting his head and giving Felix a look as if to say 'what do you think, smartie?'

"Yah! Don't be sarcastic with me, Mr. I hold all power over your cuddle privileges!"

Felix huffed. Chan raised his hands in mock surrender.

"Consider my sarcasm gone."
"Oh look here they--"

Minho's eyes widened comically as Chan yelled in surprise. Meanwhile in the back, Hyunjin was burning holes into the back of Chan's head for interrupting his sentence. Awkwardly, Minho sat down beside Hyunjin, a shy smile on his lips as he nodded. Jisung sat beside Chan, a cocky smirk portrayed on his face.

"Han Jisung you have some explaining to do!"
"What? Why do you wanna know about my sex life, creep, get your own!"

Hyunjin scoffed.

"I have a sex life you expired can of tuna!"
"Oh yeah, with who??"

Across the table, Jeongin's face burned red with embarrassment and shame. Everyone at the table fell silent, until Chan stood up and screamed.


Half the table snorted, bursting into a fit of loud laughter. Hyunjin's jaw dropped, eyebrows furrowing in offense, Jeongin simply melting into the bench.


Chan huffed. Hyunjin pouted and sat down. Minho only laughed harder, along with the rest. Oh Lord, what a day it had already been.

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