Four: Well ain't that fun..

422 20 17

A/n: There is the picture for those of you curious<3

"Hello again, Mr.Seo. Ready for the next violent turn in my life's story?"

Changing sighed quietly, sitting down, Minho doing the same on the opposite side of the glass.

"Hows my Jisungie?"
"He's...still crazy."
"Good. You guys change him in the slightest and I'll slit all of your throats!"

Minho smiled. Changbin choked down his fear and nodded calmly.

"Continue your story please, Minho."
"As you wish, Binnie~"


The building was really tall. How were they supposed to find Felix's room?

"You guys know what room he is in?"
"Of course, dumbass, you think we'd just waltz in and kill everybody and then wonder around clueless?"
"I was asking an innocent question Hyunjin."

Hyunjin looked at Minho, who was glaring daggers at him. The younger was shocked upon seeing Minho's eyes. They were cold...and sharp. One wrong look and he could slice you in half just like that. Gulping and nodding slowly, he apologized. Jisung rolled his eyes.

"Come one, idiots, I've been waiting 5 years for this!!"

The other two nodded, following Jisung into the building. The three approached the main office calmly. There was a woman there, she had blonde pigtails and glasses. Her name tag read "Kim Eun-Ji"

"Hello, boys. How many I help you?"
"We're here to see Lee Felix."

The girl frowned.

"Mr. Lee doesn't take visitors."

Jisung smirked.

"And we weren't asking."

⚠️Warning!!! Blood/violence ahead!!⚠️

A bang echoed throughout the building and the woman fell lifeless out of her chair, a bullet hole right between her eyes, blood pooling around her. Minho's eyes widened in surprise and fear, a small whimper leaving his lips. Jisung looked at the boy, quickly grabbing his hand after scoffing quietly as the 3 began running down the halls. After 3 flights or stairs running without breaks, he could hear the yelling downstairs as well as the alarms. Finally they stopped at a door.

"Jisung, can you break it down? We forgot to grab keys."
"Yes, but it will take a minute."
"Hurry, we'll keep watch. Minho, I know you're scared but we need you to be useful right now? Got it? Kill anyone who gets to close and if that doesn't work, snap their neck or something I don't know your the martial arts master."

Minho nodded slowly as heavy footsteps sounded on the stairs, growing closer and thumps we're hear behind him, Jisung smashing his weight into the door repeatedly.

"There up here!!"
"No shit, move!"

About 5 guys stumbled down the hall toward them, aiming their guns but Hyunjin was faster. One dude shot, but missed, allowing Hyunjin to take his shot, hitting the man in the shoulder as he fell to the ground.

"Shoot, Lee Know!!"

Lee know was the name they agreed to call him when in this situation, so they wouldn't get him or themselves caught by using his real name. Minho whimpered again, shakily raising his gun. Jisung continued banging into the door. He guessed he took too long because one of the guys had managed to kick the gun out of his hand.


One of the boys yelled. He wasn't sure which one, he was too focused on what had happened, instincts quickly kicking in, grabbing the males leg before it reached the ground, lifting up and twisting it before successfully snapping it, breaking it. The man screamed in pain as he fell to the ground, but Minho wasn't done. The next man came up, attempting to hit Minho with the handle of his gun, but Mingo grabbing his wrist before he could, putting the man in a headlock, grabbing the gun from his hand and shooting him in the head with it. Blood splattered all over Minho's face and clothes as the man's body fell onto the cold floor. Of course he just couldn't get a break could he? Nope, the last guy came running toward him, ready to roundhouse kick the boy, who ducked down and punched him in response, taking the gun out once the man had stumbled back, recovering from the punch and shooting him in the heart. The man sputtered in shock, blooding pouring from his  mouth before be fell to his knees and onto the floor as well, joining his other 4 friends. Minho allowed the his hands to fall down to his sides, breathing heavily. Behind him, Jisung, Hyunjin and the blonde boy- who is later introduced as Felix- stared in surprise. Minho turned around, facing them, tilting his head at their shocked expressions.

"You...are badass!!"

The blonde boy jumped up and kissed Minho out of nowhere. Minho's eyes widened in surprise before the smaller boy was pried off of him by Jisung.

"He's right, Minho. That was fucking awesome."

Hyunjin said as he stared in awe at the older. Tucking the gun safely in his waistband, Minho smiled. He wasn't sure what the feeling was that was pooling in Minho's stomach was, but he fucking loved it.

"Let's get out of here, shall we?"

Felix smirked, leading the other four back down the hallways. The 4 boys jumped out of one of the second story windows, safely landing thanks to Chan, who caught them. He caught Felix last, spinning the boy around happily as they shared a long passionate kiss.

"Yah!! Bangchan! Quit sucking my brother's face off!!"

Everyone laughed as they piled into the van again, Hyunjin excitedly telling them about everything that happened, including what Minho did, much to everyone's surprise. Form the front seat, a bit who Minho has learned was named 'Jeongin' piped up.

"Hyung that sounds amazing!!!"
"Thanks, Jeongin."

There were laughs and many many hugs exchanged in the car between Felix and the group as a familiar house came into view. Chan slowly pulled to a stop a couple houses down to avoid suspicion.

"Well Minho, this is your stop. You should hang out with us more often. I kinda like you."

Every one agreed as Minho got out, smiling.

"Thanks you guys. And...sure."

He said before closing the door and waving as the car drive off. He smiled once more to himself as he walked down to his house,  climbing back into his room. He wondered into his bathroom, a pair of short, white cotton shorts and a soft, pastel blue hoodie in his hands. Turning on the shower he sighed quietly. He undressed, glancing up at his reflection in the mirror. He had splatters of blood painted on his face still. What a night. He thought. Stepping into the shower, he let out another relieved sigh as the warm water poured down his back and chest. It felt amazing.


Crawling into bed, Minho realized it was already 4 in the morning. He chuckled but rolled over, nuzzling into his warm blankets. What was happening to him?


A/n: OMG A CHAPTER OVER 1000 WORDS? :OOO I'm kidding lol. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this ;-;

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