19: Burn.

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It was a house. They lived in a rather comfy, well sized house. The living room was spacey, it had a large couch and a recliner, next to the recliner were the stairs going up. Beside the living room was the kitchen, the table in the middle. Changbin couldn't believe he was actually being trusted without his restraints. He was glad, however, his wrists still burned with every movement of his arm. The rope really did a number on him. He hissed quietly as he held his aching arms up to his chest. 

"You okay, Binnie-Hyung?" 

Changbin looked up at Jeongin. The young boy had only just met him and he'd already seemed so attached. Changbin smiled and nodded. 

"Wrists are just a wee bit sore, Innie."
"Sorry about that, Changbin. I should have gotten something more comfortable to bind you with." 

Changbin couldn't help the snort he let out. Behind him, Chan started laughing too. 

"Why how generous of you, Minho, to make sure he was held captive comfortably!" 
"Not even, he said he 'should' have gotten him comfortable bindings, meaning he didn't." 

Hyunjin giggled as he swung an arm around Changbin. He smiled as he looked around at all the members. Hyunjin, Minho, Chan, Jeongin, Jisung, Seungmin, Felix. 

"So why did you guys let me out?" 

Minho smiled as he spun around slightly, walking toward the fridge and opening it. He scanned the contents with a smile, eventually pulling out a bottle of apple juice. 

"That, was Hyunjin's idea. He convinced me. Plus, I think you're ready." 
"Ready? Ready for what?" 
"For us. All of us. I think you're trustworthy. Now sit down, yes? Let's continue the story." 
"Are you ever gonna tell me what happened to your brother? And how you all got caught?" 

Minho gave a sinister smile as he sat down on the couch, Changbin sitting beside him. Jisung too joined them, making himself comfortable with his head on Minho's lap but his legs hung halfway off the arm rest of the couch. He smiled at Changbin, looking at him upside down.  

"Yes. Because this is it, by the end of today, you'll know how I, we, all of us, got caught."


Minho had felt so incomplete lately. There was this nagging feeling in the back of his mind and he couldn't figure out what it was. It gave him an eager burn in his chest. He sighed as he stood up and headed downstairs, Jisung launched himself into Minho's arms with a bright smile, the smell of bacon and pancakes filled his nose. He was zoned out, thinking. What could possibly be giving him this feeling? 

"Good morning, lovely. How'd you sleep?" 
"I...I need your help. All of you guys' help." 

Everyone looked at him curiously as he sat at the table. He smirked a bit as he began to tell everyone what he was planning. Chan widened his eyes slightly, everyone exchanging light gasps. Excluding Felix, he jumped up and hugged Minho. 

"You think just like me, Minho-hyung! Let's do this!!" 

Felix zoomed off to get dressed, everyone else following. Chan stopped however, resting a hand on Minho's shoulder. 

"This is absolutely insane, I hope you know."
"Oh, I know." 


Everyone went to school that day as normal. Minho imagined it the whole day, playing how this would play out in his head on repeat. He let the sinister smile plastered on his face stay there for the whole day. This was it, he'd finally be getting his freedom. His true revenge for everything. Lunch was when everyone had planned to meet. They'd meet at the courtyard, where they'd begin, and that's just what they did. 

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