17: Hyunjin.

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"Go easy of him, yes, Hyunjin? Poor boy is terrified."

Minho laughed. Out of the corner of Changbin's eye, he saw Minho leave with Jisung. The lights dimmed and Hyunjin giggled.

"Oh, this'll be fun."

Changbin doesn't know if he'd call Hyunjin...'fun'. 

"Let's play Russian roulette!" 

Hyunjin smiled as he looked at Changbin, already loading a single bullet into the revolver. Changbin's eyes widened as he watched. Yeah. "Fun" they said. Hyunjin chuckled as he kneeled beside Changbin, spinning the cylinder and pressing the barrel of the gun to his head. 

"Whats wrong? Scared, Binnie?" 

Without hesitation, he pulled the trigger. Changbin's breath hitched, yet nothing happened. A tiny click, and that was it. Hyunjin smirked as he then pulled the gun away from himself, pressing the barrel against Changbin's forehead instead. Changbin probably wouldn't admit it if you asked him personally, but as ashamed as he was of it, he let out a small whimper of fear. Hyunjin merely laughed and leaned closer, pressing the weapon harder against the older's head. It hurt, but Changbin refused to let it show. 

"You look pretty with a gun pressed to your head, Binnie, I should play with you more often." 

With that, Hyunjin pulled the trigger. Changbin squeezed his eyes shut. Honestly, at this point he was beginning to think, 'maybe death is better than this.' However, much to his dismay and relief, death never came. Hyunjin removed the gun, still holding it in his hand, using his other to lift the older's face gently. Changbin looked at Hyunjin in fear as the taller aimed the gun up to the light without even looking, whispering a quiet "Lights out~" A loud bang echoed through room as well as the sound of glass shattering, and suddenly everything was black. 


Minho doesn't remember what happened that day, nor does he really care. The last couple of days he spent laying in bed with Jisung, cuddling and watching movies. Not exactly something you'd expect to see from two...serial killers? Minho wasn't sure what they were to be honest, and he didn't really care. The two boys were laying in bed..again, watching Matilda when suddenly Chan busted in. Jisung nearly jumped out of his own skin, causing Minho to laugh. 

"Hyung!! Knock, please!" 

"Why? It's not like you--" 
"ZIP! Why are you here?" 

"I live here...?" 


"Fine. Let's just say...we have some motherfuckers to teach a lesson." 

The younger two didn't even hesitate or ask questions, smirking to each other as Chan closed the door. The two quickly got dressed, Minho into a fluffy black sweater and some black leather pants. Jisung had put on a cropped turtle neck with a cropped leather jacket and some black ripped jeans. Jogging down the stairs, Minho followed excitedly behind Jisung, hopping up on the railing and sliding down smoothly to the bottom. He looked around and spotted and teary eyed Jeongin sitting at the table as Seungmin carefully wrapped his bleeding arm. The boy also had numerous cuts and bruises on other areas of his body. Minho looked up and saw Chan, watching the boy carefully. Seungmin looked as though he was ready to kill someone. Once he was done bandaging Jeongin, he grabbed his knives and stood up. 

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