18: Jeongin.

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Changbin was restless. He was awake before Minho had even come in yet, however it should be any minute that the boy would walk in. Changbin was nervous. He knew that Jeongin would be coming with Minho. Another new member, the youngest specifically. It came to Changbin's realization he did not actually know what any of the members looked like, well, not including the ones he's met already. Minho and Han were the first two he met, so he knew them already. Felix was the next one he met, Jisung's fraternal twin. He hadn't properly met Chan yet, but he'd seen the older male. He was there on one of the nights where Minho instructed Felix watch over him. He'd met Hyunjin, which had done quite the toll on his mental stability. Changbin hadn't even been in the room with him for long and he'd already felt himself slowly losing it. Hyunjin's presence affected him in some way. However, all of this meant Changbin only had two more members to meet. Jeongin, and Seungmin. He was stressed to say the least, and his wrists burned uncomfortably from the rope burn. He was grateful that Hyunjin unbound him, and that Minho trusted him enough to allow him to be unbound. Familiar footsteps began echoing from behind the door and Changbin's breathe hitched as the door flung open dramatically. 

"Rise and shine, princess! Let's treat those beautiful wounds, yes? Jeongin!" 

"Coming, hyung!" 

Changbin watched quietly as the boy- Jeongin- ran through the door with a white box in hand. He looked up at Changbin and smiled. It wasn't a sinister smile like Minho's, or a seductive one like Hyunjin's, nor was it a mischievous one, like Felix's. It was a normal smile. He had dimples and the cutest fox eyes that Changbin had ever seen. He hadn't even spoken to the boy yet and Changbin already felt the desire to protect him at all costs. 

"Hi, Changbin-hyung!" 

He smiled again as he kneeled down beside Changbin, opening the white box slowly. 

"This may sting a bit, hyung, I'll count to 3, ready?" 

"Yeah, I'm ready." 

Jeongin grabbed the small bottle of hydrogen peroxide, pouring a bit on a cotton pad. 

"Okay, 1...2...3!" 

 He gently began patting the cotton pad down on the rope burns around Changbin's wrists. The older boy hissed quietly, squeezing his eyes shut. It was uncomfortable as hell but he stayed still to be sure not to make the other boy's job harder. After he had finished cleaning the rope burns, he began to bandage them gently, careful not to hurt Changbin anymore. 

"There! All done!" 

Changbin smiled at the younger. 

"Thank you, Jeongin." 

The younger smiled brightly again. 

"Alright, we should continue, no? Jeongin would you like to stay?" 


"Alright then, make yourself comfortable." 

Jeongin gently shook Changbin's arm to get his attention. 

"Hyunggg, can I lay on your lap?" 

"Huh? Oh, sure." 

Jeongin smiled and made himself comfortable, resting his head on Changbin's lap as the two waited for Minho to begin.

"Ahh, okay, now where did Hyunjin say he left off..? Oh right! So Jisung, Chan, Seungmin and I all headed out that night...."


"So who the hell jumped him, anyway?" 


"It wasn't that damn football team, was it?" 

"Not all of them no, just the few that came out of Minho's rampage without broken limbs." 

"...So like 2?" 

"Pretty much. Anyway, I know their stupid hideout, so we're gonna pay those two a surprise visit." 


The hideout was a beat up, abandoned gas station. Lame if you asked Minho, but that wasn't relevant. Sighing quietly, he lifted his bat over his shoulder, smiling mischievously at Jisung, who returned the smile. 

"Let's do this, boys." 

Chan said, giving a quiet snicker. He motioned for Minho to lead them while he and Seungmin stayed back to keep watch, the boy gladly walking in front. Silently they all approached the door, footsteps so quiet it was almost as though they weren't there. The silence didn't last long, though, as Minho raised his bat to the poorly made wooden door. Bringing the weapon down with a loud crashing down, creating a large hole in the rotting wood, just big enough for Minho to reach his hand in and unlock the door. He smiled as he kicked it open, swinging the bat back over his shoulders. He waltzed in with the Jisung following behind him, giving a manic smile to the two boys who were standing in the middle of the room. 

"Well, look who decided to finally show up." 

"The one who hospitalized 95% of your wimpy little team and is about to put you in the morgue." 

The two boys fumbled for a second before one pulled a machete out of what Minho would say was his ass, but anyway, he lunged at Minho recklessly. That was mistake#1. Minho laughed as he swung his bat, knocking the object out of the boy's hand before raising it again and swinging it back down roughly on his head. A loud thud echoed as he fell to the ground. Behind him, he heard Jisung struggle and whipped around. He saw the other boy on top of Jisung, knife in hand. Minho saw red. He ran up to the two and smashed the bat mercilessly into the boy's face. The male screamed in agony as he stumbled back, holding his bloodied and probably broken nose. Minho helped Jisung up, but his moment of vulnerability allowed the first boy to swing at Minho, leaving a gash in his upper arm which began bleeding profusely. Mistake #2. Minho growled as he swung his bat across the boy's face, causing the boy to tumble back and land harshly on his back. Minho didn't care anymore, he began bashing his head in. 

"Minho! We can't kill them!" 

Jisung yelled, Minho sighed and stopped. His shoulder's tensed as a chill was sent down his spine, quickly whipping his head and body around, he swung the bat harshly along with him, the object colliding with the second boy's head. He had gotten up and run up behind Minho, but thanks to his paranoia, Minho sensed him before he got to him. The two boys lay on the floor around Jisung and Minho, bleeding from numerous different areas on their head. Minho yawned as he looked at Jisung. 

"I'm tuckered. We should head back now, yes?" 

"Of course, love." 

The ride home was boring, Jisung fell asleep on Minho's shoulder while Seungmin patched up the gash in Minho's upper arm. Thus, another night of blood. It had only been a short time so far with the other boy's, but they were beginning to feel like home to Minho, and the boy wouldn't have it any other way. 


"So what happened to the boys?" 

"I think the one that I bashed numerous times died, the other one was in a coma." 


"Say...You've never been out of this room, have you, Bin?" 


Jeongin and Minho smiled at each other. 

"How would you like a tour? And an actual room, of course."


A/N: Woooooowie. I'm exhausted. It's almost 1 in the morning lol. My life is literally a mess. Love life included. I got some goofy shit going on, I got like 4 people crushing on me rn while I myself am like over the moon for this one mf who I've only every talked to like twice and has no interest in me what. so. ever. Sigh. Welp, goodnight lol. 

Love ya, bitches<3

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