Two: Whoops, what's this feeling?

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To say Minho was dreading the end of the day, would be an understatement. He was TERRIFIED. His heart continued to beat out of his chest as he rounded the corner of the gate, approaching quietly. Jisung was standing against the wall, eyes closed. He almost looked peaceful. He fearfully reached out, tapping the boy's shoulder.

"J-Ji-- AH!!"

Jisung pulled the boy by his arm, yanking him toward him and putting him into a headlock, pressing a knife against his throat. Wait where the fuck did he get a knife? Not important. Minho's breath spiked and he panicked, squirming

"I-Its me! P-please let me g-go..!!!"

Minho sobbed out. Behind him, Jisung chuckled before pushing the older boy off of him. Minho fell on all fours, backing up away from Jisung, who continued walking toward him. Minho knew he was crying and he didn't even care. I mean how could he? The boy just nearly got his throat slit. Jisung knelt down in front of Minho and yanked him up by the collar of his shirt, looking the boy in the eyes. Minho was shaking.

"You look pretty when you cry."

Minho stilled. Jisung smirked. Remembering what he came here for, Minho swallowed the lump in his throat and began speaking.

"W-where are we studying?"

Jisung smiled. He fucked smiled.

"My house."

Minho's eyes widened, before he was let go of and fell on his ass.

"Get up."

Minho wasn't sure why, but he obeyed, quickly scurrying off the ground and onto his feet.

"So obedient. Come on, we have shit to do."

What did he mean by that? Weren't they just studying? He quickly ran after Jisung who had started walking away. The walk was silent up until Minho's phone dinged. Minho took out his phone, scanning over the message.

You dead yet?

Minho simply chuckled, responding with a 'no'.

"Who you texting?"
"M-my friend."

Minho's eyes widened in confusion.

"W-why not?"
"Because I told you to. You're with me, you have your attention on me, no one else."

Minho continued to stare wide-eyed at Jisung, confused as to why he was acting like this, but found himself putting his phone away anyway, much to Jisung's pleasure.


More silence. Another couple of minutes passed and his phone had dinged two more times.

"Mute it."

Minho pulled his phone out, putting it on DND and sliding it back in his pocket. Jisung smirked again.

"Good boy."

Minho nodded slowly, fighting down his blushed as he stared at the sidewalk.

This was gonna be a LONG walk.



Jisung yelled from the front door. Minho flinched lightly but Jisung either didn't notice or ignored it. Suddenly, a blonde boy with curly hair came from around the corner. His overall aura was more intimidating than Jisung's and Minho's eyes widened in fear.

"What, Jisung. Whose this?"
"Lee Minho."
"And what the fuck is he doing here?"
"Oh, so you mean you're bring him into a house full of psychotic murderers, probably afraid for his life just to go scan a couple of boring pages over a^2+b^2=c^2?"

The couple seconds of silence that followed had Minho on the verge of tears.

"Hey, Hyung what do--"

A boy, he was tall and had shoulder length black hair, had walked in. He quickly scanned the scene before his eyes settled in Minho with a look in them that made Minho wanna run for his life. The tall boy's lips curled into a smirk.

"Fresh meat. You look...tasty. what's your name?"

Once again, wasn't sure why, but he quickly ducked behind Jisung, holding onto the back of the boy's shirt for safety. He heard a growl and looked up. Jisung was glaring daggers at tall boy.

"You touch him, you're dead, you look at him the wrong way, you're dead. So Hwang, I suggest you find another chew toy, because if I as much see a SCRATCH on his skin, I will hang you with your own organs."

Minho audibly gasped, along with the other 2 boys. They all stared wide eyed at the two, blinking in confusion.

"Do you understand?"
"Yeah yeah, whatever."

Jisung suddenly yelled out to the entire house.



A/n: hehehehehe this is SHIT but I mean it's 11:38 at night so- anygays. I promise the next story I update will be Bunny, cause ik I haven't updated there in a while ;-; anyway, Love you guys!!<3

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