Twenty: The color red looks so pretty.

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Over the last couple of months, Minho has grown quite fond of Changbin. Changbin himself was beginning to feel a sense of belonging in the group. He'd revealed that he has a knack for technology, basically meaning he could hack into almost anything if necessary. Today Minho had decided he was going to take Jisung out, it had been too long since they'd done anything together. Quietly, he tiptoed into the room where Jisung slept peacefully. Minho smiled as he laid carefully beside the sleeping boy, wrapping his arms around his waist and pulling him close. Minho gently played with the blue locks that fell over the younger's eyes. Jisung stirred slowly, his head resting against Minho's chest as he let out a muffled groan. 

"Good morning, Jisungie~" 

Minho sang softly, brushing Jisung's hair out of his eyes as Jisung yawned, burying himself more into Minho's embrace. 

"Nooo, it's too early."
"Sungie, it's one in the afternoon." 
"And? That's too early." 

He whined. Minho laughed quietly as he kissed Jisung's head. 

"Give me a proper kiss and maybe I'll get up?" 
"Okay fine, I will get up." 

Minho smiled and cupped Jisung's cheeks, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Jisung hummed quietly, smiling as well when Minho pulled back. Stretching, he got out of bed, waddling sleepily over to Minho who had already gotten back up and was standing by the door frame. Minho ran his fingers through Jisung's blue hair as he ruffled it, the younger boy flashing Minho a bright smile. 

"Cutie. Get dressed and come downstairs, okay? I'm taking you out today." 
"On a date?" 
"No, with a sniper, pretty boy." 

Minho rolled his eyes with a sarcastic smile. Jisung pouted as Minho walked away. Going through his closet, Jisung chose a simple white crop top with a leather jacket over top. For the pants he chose loose fitting black jeans. The outfit showed his small waist, as well as his beautifully toned stomach and abs. He grabbed his phone off the nightstand, yawning again as he headed downstairs. Minho immediately ran to the stairs as he saw Jisung coming down. Jisung giggled as he jumped from the third stair, into Minho's arms, Minho catching him with ease. Smiling, Minho pecked Jisung's lips softly before caring him to the dining room table with the rest of the group. 

"Ew, hyungsss! Get a room!" 

Seungmin gagged as he walked passed them, toward the fridge. Jisung laughed, continuing to cling to Minho. 

"So what's on the agenda, hyungie?" 
"You'll see, baby." 

Minho kissed Jisung's head again as he grabbed both of them a plate, serving some of the lunch that Chan had made. He sat down with Jisung as the two ate. Seungmin sat down with them, butting into their conversation as the 3 laughed about whatever. 

"Have you guys noticed how close Binnie-hyung and Hyunjin-hyung have gotten?" 

Seungmin said, motioning toward the living room, there Hyunjin sat on Changbin's lap while playing gently with Changbin's hair. Changbin's head resting on Hyunjin's chest. Minho and Jisung shared knowing looks as they smiled. 

"They're so cute." 
"Disgustingly cute." 

Seungmin said, faking another gag. Minho laughed. 

"Shut up, Minnie, don't think I don't see how you look at Innie." 

Seungmin's eyes widened as his cheeks tinted a warm shade of pink. He sunk in his chair slightly as he looked away. 

"Oh shut up, hyung.." 

Just on cue, an excited Jeongin came skipping into the room. He opened the fridge dramatically, his excitement fizzing away. 

"Heyy! Who took the last bottle of strawberry milk??" 

Seungmin looked at his unopened bottle of strawberry milk, then smiled at Jeongin 

"Innie, you can have mine. I haven't opened it." 
"But it's yours, hyung. You should drink it!" 
"But you wanted one."
"How about we share?"

Seungmin nodded slowly as Jeongin smiled, grabbing two straws and making his way to the chair beside Seungmin. Minho and Jisung watched the two fondly, Jisung resting his head on Minho's shoulder with a smile. Minho looked over to the living room again, seeing Felix and Chan asleep, cuddled together. Their legs were intertwined as Felix's head laid on Chan's chest, Chan's arms wrapped protectively around the younger as they slept. Minho smiled, turning toward Jisung, kissing his head softly again. 

"We're all just a bunch of gay asses, aren't we?" 

Jisung laughed as he nodded, intertwining his hand with Minho's. 

"I love you, hyung." 

Minho's eyes softened as he looked at his boyfriend.

"I love you too, Sungie." 


A/N: Filler chapterrrr! The date will be in the next chap lol, figured we had a pretty deep chapter last time so I'd lighten it up with some fluff. Wow, I really can't believe this you guys. 4k reads. You guys are actually amazing. I hope you enjoyed this lil bit of soft minsung hours, you'll get more tomorrow, promise! 

love ya, bitches!<33

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