thirteen: wakey wakey.

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Minho clapped his hands as he entered the room, a sick smile on his face.

"Wakey wakey, Mr. Seo, it's time for another chapter of suicide squad."

Minho laughed. Changbin groaned and sat up. He looked around groggily and spotted a sleeping Felix in the corner of the room. The small boy was wrapped in the arms of the male from the other day. He realized that the boy also had the same blonde hair as Felix only curly. Changbin's eyes widened in realization. Chan. Felix was dating the gang's leader. God, how could he be so slow? Minho literally told him, yet he was still yet to figure it out.

"Yo, you finished gawking at Chanlix? I'd like to continue my story now."

Changbin glared at Minho.

"I'll take that as a yes. Buckle up, bitch it just gets worse."


That day everyone went home in a good mood. All 7 boys were gathered around the table that night, Minho had made chicken Alfredo. It was a night of fun and games, a lots and lots of movies. Minho estimated they watched about 12 movies before they clocked out. Jeongin and Hyunjin fell asleep cuddled up on the couch, much to Chan's dismay. Seungmin had fallen asleep on the floor with Felix. Jisung helped Chan carry them to bed, Chan taking Felix and Jisung taking Seungmin. Minho sat in the recliner in the living room, his legs tucked into his arms as he held them tightly to his chest. He stared out the window with a small smile on his face. The night was dark and gloomy, and there were raindrops on the window but Minho didnt care. He found it peaceful. Minho always thought rainy and dark days were the best. A small figure in the distance caught Minho's attention after a while. He realized it was coming closer. It wasn't a figure. It was multiple. A group of people. About 8 people if he had to estimate. Each one had something in their hands. Bats, crowbars, you name it.  Minho sat up as he watched them approach quicker. The one in front seemed to lock eyes with Minho, a smirk painting itself on his face. (A/n:Jesus Christ, I accidentally pressed delete here and panicked till I remembered revision history, holy shit😭😭)


Minho sputtered out as the group got closer. He looked around and realized Jeongin and Hyunjin had gone upstairs to sleep. He got up quickly and went to find Jisung or Chan, hoping they'd be awake. His breath spiked along with his heartbeat as he ran up the stairs. He looked through the rooms and found a sleeping Chan. Fuck. In the next room was Jisung, also passed out. Shit. Minho's eyes widened in horror when he heard a window shatter. The male practically jumped down the stairs and raced to the kitchen. He grabbed a pocket knife off the table and ducked down. Minho realized the males in the house were none other that the school's football team. Huh. How cliche. What did they call themselves again? Ateez? Sound right.

"Come out come out wherever you are...I know you're here Minho."

One spoke. Minho gulped quietly and held down a whimper. He'd never face this many men at once, let alone by himself. But everyone was dead asleep, what could he do? It was too late to wake them up now.


A crowbar came smashing into the table he had ducked behind, breaking the glass. Minho stumbled back and cursed.

"W-what!? What do you want!"
"Aww, cute. Don't act tough. We know what you did to Mina, you lunatic!"

Minho thought for a minute then remembered. Before he realized, a quiet chuckle left his lips.

"What? What the Fuck are you laughing about?"
"You're here...breaking into my house...because I threatened a girl?"
"She's my sister you little shit."
"...and I care...why?"

Minho successfully stood up right as the other male yelled in anger and swung the crowbar down at Minho again. Minho yelped and grabbed the weapon with his hand before it hit him and pulled the blue haired boy toward him, kneeing him in the stomaches before twisting his arm and breaking it. The boy screamed in pain. This angered the others, so once Minho had thrown the leader to the ground (I am so so sorry, Hongjoong, please forgive me, I love you😭) the others charged. Minho cried out when one landed a harsh punch to his cheek. He teared up embarrassingly, but continued fighting. A couple tried to kick him to which he broke their legs. When one lunged onto him from behind, He slammed them forward onto the floor with a loud crash. By the time the fight was finished, Minho had a busted bleeding lip, a bloody nose and a painful bruise in his cheek. He wasn't sure when it had happened, but he's also pretty sure his shoulder was dislocated. The males around him were on the floor, crying over broken bones are passed out from being thrown against the wall, table or couch. The living room was a wreck and Minho sobbed as he stood in the midst of it all, breathing heavily. After staring at the mess for a solid 15 minutes, he heard thumps and crashed from upstairs. Eventually, a confused and concerned Jeongin came rushing down the stairs with a half asleep Hyunjin. The youngest's eyes widened as he looked upon the mess. He locked eyes with Minho, which only caused Minho to cry harder. The noise seemed to have successfully awoken Hyunjin thought,  because before he knew it, the taller male was screaming Jisung's name and rushing toward Minho. Minho's world was starting to spin and his vision was beginning to get starry. A worried Jisung came flying down the stairs and toward Minho. Jisung cupped Minho's face in his hand, gently shaking the older boy, careful not to put to much pressure over any wounds. Minho just stood there. He stood there, silent tears running down his face as he looked at the boys around him. Everyone seemed to have awoken. They were all looking at him and speaking but Minho  couldn't hear any of it. Eventually, he felt himself go limp, falling backward into someone's arms. His world finally went black.


"I was scared. I guess in that moment, I had realized what I'd done. You're probably confused as to why I cared, considering I ripped people's organs out because they got in my way. Well, to be honest, i don't know. I don't care anymore, of course. But in that moment, I knew I was scared. After a while, I stopped feeling the pain of my injuries. I woke up in the hospital the next morning. Doc said I had a concussion, a dislocated shoulder and one of my wrists was broken. Half of that I hadn't even realized. Crazy, huh?"
"Why...why did you cry?"

Minho seemed caught off guard by this question. As if it was one he wasn't expecting. He quickly went back to his calm, yet intimidating resting face though.

"I told you. I was scared."

Changbin nodded slowly, Minho's wide smile returned.

"Can you and Lixie please watch him tonight?"
"Great! Jisungie~ we better be off. We got business."

Minho sang happily. Jisung giggled and followed. Soon, Changbin was locked in his room again. By himself. Other than the couple in the corner making out. But he didn't wanna think about that. Especially when he'd come to realize he liked one of them a little more than he should. No, a lot more. What the Fuck did he do to deserve this?


A/n: EVERYONE IGNORE WATTPAD POSTING IT BEFORE I WAS DONE WRITING KSNDJDNX DAMNIT ruined the surprise ;( anyway, IM SO SORRY I WAS GONE FOR SO LONG I LITERALLY LOST ALL MOTIVATION TO DO ANYTHING 😭😭😭 Please forgive me, I'm sorry. Also! I made another story prompt, y'all wanna hear bout that? Maybe I'll post a single chapter or some shit then leave y'all hanging till I actually finish one god damn story because jeSus☠️☠️☠️ lmao. Love ya bitches<3

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