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liked by will.gao_ and 1,089 others
maeve.anderson: fit for a date w my mate
tagged: will.gao_
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will.gao_: cool shoes wonder who bought those..
liked by maeve.anderson


"hey, so i've got a dinner planned with the cast tonight but im inviting you as my plus one since we havent hung out a lot this past month. it'll be fun." will explained with a smile.

maeve smiled back, "i promise you don't have to, stupid. i'll be okay i don't want to intrude" in truth, she was just incredibly nervous about having to try and keep a conversation going with people she didn't know very well, or at all.

"no i want you to come, i'm not letting you go anywhere without me you need support from your best pal in times like these." he insisted and stood up after packing their picnic off the grass "come on, lets go to my car."


liked by maeve

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liked by maeve.anderson and 132,895 others
will.gao_: we were supposed to leave 10 minutes ago but mae is taking her time having a smoke break on the steps
tagged: maeve.anderson
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joelocke03: start walking away she'll follow
will.gao_: it worked you're a wizard

yazdemand: she's so gorgeous omg


"that is literally the most unflattering angle in the entire universe" maeve giggled and looked out the window, will was driving them to the restaurant and she was trying her best to mentally prepare for her doom.

in all honesty she was absolutely terrified. they know who she is and they've talked over dms once or twice but they've never met and she's scared she'll feel wildly out of place.

"well i happen to think it's cute thank you very much" will smiled as he reverse parked into a space right outside the restaurant. "perfect!"

she got out of the car and hesitated to move any further "come on," he pat her head "they'll love you."

she hid behind him as they walked over to the table will spotted them laughing as tobie was sharing some kind of anecdote. "we have arrived!" will exclaimed, and the table cheered.

"finally," joe rolled his eyes sarcastically "at least you're not the last to rock up." there's more?

they all introduced themselves to maeve and she started to feel a little more comfortable.

will sat next to yaz and maeve didn't want to leave his side so she sat to the left of him. tobie and kizzy sat at the two ends of the table and corinna, joe and sebastian sat opposite to her and will. and next to maeve was an empty seat.

she tapped on wills shoulder, pointing to vacant spot beside her, "is someone else supposed to be here?"

will leant over and glanced at the spot, groaning. "of course it's kit who's late"

"who's kit?" she questioned, and just as will was about to explain, someone pulled out the chair next to her and sat down, breathing heavily.

"im so sorry im late, traffic suddenly went mental and i couldnt find a parking spot." the man pushed back his hair and breathed out.

"that's kit." will pointed at him, with a hand on maeves upper back.

"oh, yeah hi" kit turned and smiled, "nice to meet you.." the sentence ran from his mouth as he put up his hand. her mouth went dry and she stared into his eyes then blinked and tried to gather her thoughts.

"maeve. nice to meet you as well" she smiled back and shook his hand.

"right! i've heard a lot about you" he laughed.

"will what have you been saying about me to all your friends." she nudged him and he laughed.

"nothing! nothing!"

kit smiled at them and grabbed his water and joined into a different conversation.

she was feeling a bit more confident now. they'd ordered a bunch of food to share and maeve found she was happy just listening to everyone talk while she sipped at her dr pepper.


A/N: first chapter yass enjoy or . dont its up to you
we can just pretend maeve is the person in the random pinterest photos i use throughout this story
also pls vote if u enjoy :) <3

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