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the next morning maeve had woken up alone in the apartment. will had gone to work early that morning and he wouldn't be back until later that night.

she checked her phone, no messages from kit but one from will so she opened it.

fav boy <3

hey lovey, hope you slept okay.
you can come to set today if you want?
i'll meet you outside, didn't want
to wake you since it was early x
sent 5:38am
text me when you've decided :)
sent 5:40am

yeah i'll come :) x

she hadn't seen the others for a bit so she thought it'd be good to catch up again. she missed them.
she hoped kit wouldn't ignore her in person but she didn't count on it.

she got changed and ready and got an uber to the set.
will stood outside waving at her, yaz by his side.

"maeve!" yaz ran up to her, engulfing her in a hug. "how are you, gorgeous?"

"i'm good!" she hugged her back, smiling. "how are you? hows filming going?"

"good, good. come see the others."

will wrapped an arm around her shoulder showing her inside.

"maeve's here!" sebastian yelled, runnung up to them.

"hi!" she giggled, giving him a hug.

she felt eyes burning into her, she looked over his shoulder seeing kit. as soon as their eyes made contact he looked away.

"he's still ignoring me." will looked at her with sympathy.

"talk to him." she nodded, sighing and walking over to him, fiddling with her hands.

"hi." she chewed on her nails, looking at him thrn at the ground.

"hi, maeve. how are you?" he stood awkwardly, looking at her.

she thought for a second, her eyebrows furrowed before she looked up at him.

"you've been ignoring me. so not great, really."

kit opened his mouth then closed it, sighing running his hands through his hair.

"yeah. i know. i'm really sorry, i need to work on that."

she looked down at her hands, and he grabbed them.

"i apologise, maeve. i'm seriously so sorry." he sighed, looking into her eyes. "i'll tell you about it during our break, okay?"

his eyebrows furrowed and he looked at her waiting for her response. all he got was a nod and a small "kay."

she pulled away from his hands and walked away from him, over to the others, sitting next to bash and will.

"how'd it go?" will rubbed her back, looking at her.

"okay. he apologised and said he'd tell me his reason when you guys have a break."

will smiled and pat her back, turning ahead to the conversation.


maeve sat watching will and yaz do their scene together. she kicked her legs a little in the chair, waiting.

kit was standing off to the side looking at her. he wanted to go up to her but he was afraid to given he'd been ignoring the girl.
maeve turned her head to him and smiled and he smiled back giving a little wave. he decided he should probably go and talk to her, after all their break wasn't too far away.

"hey, love." he sat down on the chair next to her, body turned towards hers.

"hi." she smiled grabbing his hand. "what's up?"

"i feel like i should apologise again and tell you, like, my reason?" he sighed, squeezing her hand. "not that it's a good one."

she looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

"after we.. kissed, i," he looked away from her, mumbling. "i saw your post with will and.."

maeve covered her mouth with her hand, giggling.
"you were jealous?"

kit didn't answer, just looked down at their hands and played with the ring on her finger, twisting it around.

"that's really cute. well it would be if you had an ignored me for the whole day." she huffed, brushing his hair with her hand.

"i know, i just don't know how to deal with my emotions. i won't do it again, i know it hurt you." he looked up at her sympathetically, covering maeve's hand with his as it rested on his face.

she smiled, and leaned in kissing him on the cheek. "it's okay, i forgive you. silly billy."

"infact i'll text you right now." he smiled, pulling out his phone.

favourite little emo

hi pretty girl :) <33
let's go for a walk?

"you wanna go for a walk?"


"okay. you need to eat though." she pointed a finger at him, as they stood up from the chairs. "you've got a big day."

"i will!" he whined, pulling her out the door. "let's go to 7/11 or something."

the two walked down the street hand in hand, kit texting someone whilst maeve lit her smoke.

"forgot to tell you," kit looked over at her with a smile, "you look very pretty today."

her face went red and looked down smiling, "you're prettier."

"am i just?" he looked at her, amused. "come on. i'll buy you a drink."

they walked into the service station and maeve grabbed an aloe vera drink.

"what even is that?"

"aloe vera!"

his face scrunched up as he grabbed it from her and set it down on the counter along with his toasted sandwich and coke. "you're a strange woman."

she shrugged, taking it from the counter after he'd payed and walked out with him.

"let's go back or you'll be late."


a/n: yo hi hey hello another chapter for my little audience yay
pls vote if u enjoy

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