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kit parked outside wills apartment complex and looked over to the passenger seat where maeve was fast asleep, cheek squished against her palm. he smiled to himself, turning the car off and getting out, walking over to her side.

"hey honey, you gotta wake up." he gently shook her, taking her hand as she scrunched her face up, mumbling as kit pulled her seatbelt off her.

"come on, let's get you inside, hm?" she nodded and got out of the car, letting him lock it before leaning into him, walking to the entrance.

"you all good?" kit rubbed her shoulder and she hummed, blinking sleepily.

"bit drunk." she mumbled.

kit giggled, "yeah i know, sweetheart."

they got up to the apartment, opening the door and maeve immediately walked to her room, flopping onto the bed.

kit followed swiftly behind her, holding her bag and jacket, setting them down on a chair and sitting on the edge of the bed next to her.

"you can't sleep just yet, you've still got makeup on. you don't want eyeliner on your pillows." maeve just grumbled, turning away from him.

kit sighed standing up and walking to the bathroom, looking through the assortment of products on the sink. he grabbed a bottle of micellar, staring at it for a few seconds before taking a few cotton pads into the bedroom.

he sat back down on the bed, tipping the micellar water onto the cotton pad.

"maeve?" he pulled her onto her back and she opened her eyes slightly.


"i'll be gentle." he smiled at her, taking the pad to her face, wiping her makeup off.

once he was done, he chucked away the makeup wipes and set the micellar water on her bedside table.

"you're so pretty." he sighed, looking over her face. she turned towards him with a cute smile.

"i have no makeup on."

"even more gorgeous." he leant down, kissing her forehead then stood up announcing that he should leave.

"and you should get some rest, darling. i've set some ibuprofen on your bedside table incase you have a hangover in the morning."

maeve hummed in disagreement, sitting up.

"i wanted you to stay.." she said, disappointed.

"oh, right. sure, sweetheart." their heads turned to the door as they heard meowing coming from the other side, kit walked over and opened it letting two cats run in and jump onto the bed.

"hi babies!" maeves face immediately lit up as the two cats jumped on her. kit stood with a smile, watching it play out.

"what're their names?" he sat on the edge of the bed, kicking his shoes off.

"this is duchess and this is marie." she smiled pointing out the two white cats.

"like the aristocats?"

"yes!" she giggled, "exactly! no one ever knows the reference!"

kit smiled, laughing with her.

"oh! i still have some of your clothes here if you wanna change?"

"yeah, thank you."

maeve gently pushed the cats off her and stood up rummaging through her closet for the clothes. once she found them she turned and the sight practically gave her heart eyes.

kit layed down on the bed, legs dangling off and both cats were laying on him, rubbing up to his hands as he smiled down at them, giggling. he turned his head to her, smiling.

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