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maeve had woken up feeling like death. will had left the apartment already to get to set and film, but all maeve wanted right now was some company.

she sighed and sat up rubbing her eyes, checking her phone to see if kit had responded to her text she sent the day before.

hello kitty

hey i hope you're feeling okay
after your nap :)

she stared at the screen. she didn't know how reliable he was at answering messages yet since they'd only known eachother for a few days now, but she felt a little sad that he didn't respond.

hello kitty

hey i hope you're feeling okay
after your nap :)

are you busy ? i need someone
to talk to

she waited for a response that she was never going to get. she felt confused, but she thought he was just busy at work. after all they were filming today, she couldn't expect him to be able to answer his phone all the time.

maybe it was the fact that it was an off day for her but maeve felt like she'd done something wrong to warrant this reaction. like maybe he wasn't responding because he was mad at her for some reason, but she didn't know what she did.

she hoped that wasn't the case. all she wanted was for him to like her, and to think that he was mad at her made her more upset than she would've liked.

she felt silly for thinking like this but what's going to stop her brain from thinking that everything is a tragedy?

she wandered out into the lonely apartment and opened the fridge, pulling out some juice and pouring it in her waterbottle.
she decided to go for a walk to clear her mind. it was better for her mental health than to stay inside all day.

so she packed her bag and changed into something relatively comfortable, opting for shorts and a small shirt and set foot on the path outside, listening to her music through her headphones.

she hummed slighlty to daniel by elton john as she walked along the pathway.

maeve looked down at her phone at the delivered text, seeing that he'd read it but still not replied. she frowned, and just as she was about to look up she bumped into someone, quickly apologising and pulling her headphones to rest on her shoulders.

"oh! im so sorry, i wasn't looking where i was going." she said guiltily.

"its alright, whats a pretty girl like you doing around here at this time?" she felt uncomfortable.

"uhm- just walking.." she said, not confidently at all.

"you alone?" he smirked.

"uh.." she backed up slightly, not sure how to respond.

"come on, im a nice guy, right? you can trust me." he stepped closer, touching her hair.

"no- i" she stuttered, looking down at the pavement.

"what? spit it out then. you think im not nice?" he then grabbed her chin and squinted at her.

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