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maeve woke up the next morning in a cold sweat. she gasped as she sat up, looking around the room.

kit, who had already gotten up and was changing his shirt in the corner of the room made eye contact with her. he threw his shirt on and walked over sitting on the bed next to her.

"you okay? what happened?" he put his hand on her leg that was under the layers of blankets as she tried to even out her breath.

"maeve? deep breaths, yeah?" she nodded and layed her head back down, fiddling with her hands.

"bad dream?" kits concerned gaze fell over her and she didn't answer, just gave a simple nod and that was all he needed.

"alright, i'll get you some water. be back in a second."

maeve watched him stand up and leave, slightly disheveled.

"ugh." she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and sat up again, checking her phone seeing a text from the one and only.

fav boy <3

hey, come home around lunch
or something? cats miss you.
definitely not me :)
sent 7:15am

yeah i'll be there in a bit <3 love u willy

love you more x

she sat with her feet hanging off the side of the bed, going through her phone.

"hey, here's your water." kit set the cup down on the table and maeve jumped a bit.

"hi." she looked up at him, turning her phone off.

"you alright now?"

"mhm." she rubbed her feet together, taking the glass of water and sipping it.

"i can make breakfast? got some eggs i need to use anyway." he stood kind of awkwardly waiting for her response.

"uhm, nah its okay, you make some for yourself. i dont really like eggs." she giggled a bit, watching him smile softly.

"well, i can make something different.." he pushed his hair back, "i'm sure i've got something you like."

"it's okay, don't worry i'll get something on my way home."

"oh, uh yeah sure. forgot you'd have to go." he chuckled, swaying a bit before looking at the door.

"well i'll get started, i've got a spare toothbrush and everything in the bathroom for you."

"do you mind if i have a quick shower?"

"no, yeah go for it! towels are in there, darling." he turned and left the room, heading to the kitchen.

maeve sat for a second, feeling butterflies in her stomach. she covered her mouth and squeeled getting up and going to the bathroom to shower.

she stood under the water thinking about him. she'd never felt emotions this strong from someone just merely existing in her space. and the petnames. god, the petnames.

she got out and got dressed in the clothes kit gave her last night, brushing her teeth and walking into the kitchen where kit was sitting on his phone, shoveling eggs into his mouth.

"hello mr chef." he looked up at her and smiled, covering his mouth and swallowing the food.

"hi, gorgeous." he looked back down at his phone, checking the time.

"so, i've gotta go pretty soon to film. later start which would be good if it didn't mean later finish." he chuckled.

"that's okay, i'll get my stuff and go home. thank you for letting me stay here.. and borrow your clothes. i'll give them back next time i see you." she looked at her feet, then to her converse laying on the floor.

"oh. did you want me to drop you home?" he turned his phone off, setting his fork down.

"nah it's okay, you've done enough for me i'll just walk. thank you though, you're a sweetheart." she walked over and kissed him on the cheek and then left to grab her stuff from his room.

kit sat there with his face red, watching her leave with his mouth slightly ajar.


"see you soon, mr connor?" she smiled up at him. the two stood in the doorway, saying their goodbyes.

"yeah, definitely. stay safe, love." he smiled as she turned and started walking away. he watched and suddenly he shifted and looked down at his shoes, then back up at her.

"uh, maeve?" she turned, standing in the hallway.

"yeah?" he walked up to her, taking in a breath.

"one last thing. before you go." he hesitated a bit, making eye contact with her. he was the only person she felt comfortable doing so.

"what is it?"

he reached forward and rested his palms on her face, "just this." he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. fireworks felt like they'd exploded inside him, maeve put her hands up to his chest, surprised.

they pulled apart, and maeve looked at him with such admiration it made him shiver.

"sorry, i just had to. i... i really like you, maeve. it's actually hard to stop thinking about you and i've only known you for such a little amount of time." he sighed, pushing his hair back and looking away from her.

"i like you so much." she sighed, taking his hand.

"well thank god." he laughed, looking down at her.
he looked at his watch and stuttered a bit.

"i gotta get going, lets talk about this though, darling. later." he loosened his grip from her hand as she smiled and nodded.

"see you soon mr connor." she kissed his cheek and walked away, feeling giddy.

he stood in his doorway, watching her leave through the elevator, a solemn smile on his face. he sighed and pushed his hair back, walking inside to grab his things and leave.


a/n: shorter chapter but HEY they kissed finally wtf

a/n: shorter chapter but HEY they kissed finally wtf

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