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maeve woke up curled in a ball, her hair a mess and as she reached over to the other side of the bed she realised there was no one there.

"kit?" she sat up and rubbed her eyes, looking at the time on her phone. it was 5 in the morning.

she'd only been asleep for a couple hours but she had no idea where kit was so she stood up and sighed watching her socks pad across the carpet to open the door.

she called for him again, her voice soft from not using it. she still got no answer in return and she was confused.

maeve walked into the loungeroom and her eyes wandered across the house she'd never been in before. there was still no sign of him so she walked back into the bedroom to grab her phone only now realising he had texted her earlier during the night.

hey, i couldn't sleep so i decided to go for a drive, i'll be back around 5-5.30 don't worry x

she felt a bit relieved and decided to wash her face as her makeup was still on.

she used water to the best of her ability and scrubbed at her face trying desperately to get it off. she looked up and saw the black around her eyes giggling to herself because she looked like a racoon.

"what are you giggling about miss."

she jumped as she finished washing it away and looked up into the mirror and saw kit standing in the doorway with an amused smile on his face.

"you scared me!"

he laughed, "sorry, bought you a drink from the coffee shop though."

she smiled and looked back at herself, "oh god don't look at me my hairs a mess." she tried patting it down, but to no avail, she needed her hair brush which she didn't bring, not expecting to be sleeping over at anybodys house.

"you look fine, don't worry about it. come on, better drink your coffee before it goes cold it'll wake you up."

she followed him out to the kitchen and he handed her the drink.

"i remember will saying you liked iced chai lattes, also with oatmilk because i know you can't have too much dairy."

"thank you it's perfect." she smiled up at him, taking a sip from the drink.

he sat down next to her at the bar and opened a bag with two toasted sandwiches inside.

"got you this too, and a muffin just incase you don't like toasties." he shrugged and smiled at her.

"thank you, you're way too sweet."

"nah not even, just wanted to make sure you got something you liked." he took a sip of his drink, and laughed, "do you not like it, then?"

"no! i do-"

"im just kidding, silly."

"don't do that! i can't tell." she leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms.

"im very clearly being sarcastic, you dummy."

"oh mr connor you may not have been told something."

he raised his eyebrow, confused. "..what?"

"i'm autistic."

"oh! i'm sorry, no one told me anything about that-"

"nono it's okay, don't worry. at least you know now." she smiled at him and picked at the muffin infront of her.

"yeah oh my god. i feel horrible."

"don't worry about it, silly man"

he sighed and smiled, shaking his head, watching as she picked at the muffin. "you good? do you actually not like it?"

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝑘𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑟Where stories live. Discover now