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"you doing okay mr connor?" maeve stayed back a little from the group where kit was silently following, eyes to the ground not talking.


"you don't really look okay.."

"well i am."

"are you sure?"

"yes. i am."

"okay, well if theres anything i can do, i wanna help."

"i said im fine, maeve. please do me a favour and leave me alone, you're being annoying and i seriously can't take it right now." his sharp stare cut into the path infront of him, not once looking up at the person he just insulted.

"oh uh yeah. sorry. just wanted to- yeah." maeve hesitated slightly before turning and leaving. kit sighed and knit his eyebrows together, once again stressed.

he watched as she ran forward a bit to where the group had stopped, eyeing her face as her eyebrows furrowed and she stared at the ground. she looked hurt, and it killed him.

"you good mae?" she looked up and joe pat her back a bit, looking concerned.

"oh! yeah. yeah i'm good don't worry." she smiled at him but it faltered as soon as he looked away. she hung around will and bash for the rest of the walk, searching for some sort of comfort from another person since kit had diminished the comfort she found in his presence in one interaction.

"let's stop here there's not really anyone around, there's a clearing in these bushes we can sit at."

the group followed will through the bushes and to the clearing, sitting down in a circle.

mae was zoned out playing with her hands, not listening to anything being said.

"mae?" bash waved his hand infront of her face and she jumped, making eye contact with kit before she faltered and looked away.

"sorry, zoned out. what?"

"did you bring the bong or do we gotta make one?" will nudged her shoulder.

"oh yeah, course. just be careful with it please it's my baby."

mae unzipped her bag and pulled out the glass bong, which was pink and looked like a glass strawberry milk bottle.

"it's so cute oh my god." yaz reached over to grab and inspect it.

"alright, alright. maeve gets the first cone since she's the one who brought it."

mae felt slightly intimidated, "oh my gosh don't stare at me while i do this it's intimidating." she giggled packing the cone piece, pushing it down with her finger.

she looked around for a second, "did anyone bring a lighter? i think i lost mine."

"uh, yeah. here." kit cleared his throat, chucking the lighter over from the opposite side of the circle.

"thank you." she smiled at him, taking it from the ground.

she blew out the smoke and set the lighter down. "which way are we going?"

"this way." will took the lighter and she passed it to him.

soon enough the entire group had rotated through a couple times and they'd had enough. maeve was playing music through her speaker, laying on the grass laughing with sebastian while the others had their own conversations.

"soo, how's the love life with kit?" he giggled at her.

"shush, bash." she covered her face and sat up, turning away from him and the rest of the group.

"what? cmon you can't tell me you don't have feelings for him." he whispered, smiling taking her hands away from her face.

"..i do." she sighed, playing with her hands. "but he's being weird recently."

"what do you mean by that? weird?" she looked up at him, then across to kit who was watching her as he talked with joe and yaz.

"he called me annoying." she looked down at her hands, "said i'd be doing him a favour by leaving him alone."

"what? why would he say that? he's literally adored you since the day we met you."

"really? doesn't seem like it anymore."

"doesn't sound like kit, maybe he's just stressed. don't take it personally."

"yeah. i shouldn't but it hit me in my weak spot. being called annoying does it for me."

"i'm sorry. i'm sure you two will resolve it eventually. you're super cute together." he laughed and layed back down. mae poked him in the stomach, smiling.

"be quiet, bash."

"at least go sit near him, diffuse the tension you've got."

"fine." maeve got up and say next to will wrapping herself around him.


"hey, you good?"


"alright." he laughed, going back to his conversation with kit and yaz.

maeve just sat, listening. that's what she did best, and just simply listening never annoyed anybody.

at one point she closed her eyes, she didn't remember falling asleep but she did wake up to being carried down the street to their cars.

"mh. what?" she felt her forehead, sensing a headache coming.

"oh you're awake? hi. sorry, i thought you'd wanna sleep a bit more so i didn't wake you." kit looked down at her before quickly looking away and clearing his throat.

"oh um, s'okay." she looked around for a second.

"want me to-"

"yeah please." he set her down and they continued walking behind everyone.

"look, mae. i'm so sorry about earlier, i really didn't mean any of it at all. i don't think you're annoying and i love being around you. i was just stressed." he sighed, pushing his hair back.

"it's okay." she looked down at her feet as they walked.

"no, it's not. i need to apologise because i know i hurt you, and i don't like it when you're sad."


"no don't say sorry, it's my fault." he grabbed her hand, "i'll make it up to you, alright?"

"okay." she gave him a small smile.



a/n: kind of a short chapter but i needed to get something out so hi heres chapter 12 yay
pla vote if u enjoy :)

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