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maeve stepped out of the apartment complex, headphones over her ears blasting her music. she felt ecstatic.

she walked all the way back to will's spartment and unlocked the doors.

"you're back!" will sprung up off the couch and ran up to her engulfing her in a hug.

"mhm hi." she giggled, hugging him back.

"cats are your room they miss you." he sat back on the couch, smiling at her.

maeve walked down the hallway to her room and sat down on the bed next to them patting the blanket to wake them up.

"hi babies." she smiled, petting their soft fur and quickly getting changed into her clothes.

"mae! i wanna go into town and get lunch soon!" will yelled from the loungeroom, voice booming through the apartment.

"okay!" she yelled back, setting her phone to charge.


maeve and will walked down the street to one of will's favourite places to get lunch. the two went in and ordered, sitting outside at a table.

 the two went in and ordered, sitting outside at a table

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maeve.anderson: lunch date w this pretty cool dude

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yazdemand: cuties
> maeve.anderson: ily

"so how was kit's?" will took a sip of his coffee, raising his eyebrow at her.

mae immediately started to turn red, looking down at her plate.

"what? what happened?"

"well.. we kissed." she sighed out, covering her face with her hands.

"you what!?" his face lit up, and he immediately set down his drink. "how!"

"i was leaving and he said like 'one last thing' or something i dont know. then he kissed me." she looked up at him, giggling.

"is gonna get jelly about your post, then?" he laughed.

"imagine."  she checked her phone, realising he hadn't liked or commented on the post when it was a very typical thing for him.

"hm. he hasn't even liked it."

"ooo you made him jealous." he wiggled his eyebrows laughing.

"be quiet, maybe he just hasn't seen it."

"he's usually the first one to see your posts, mae. he's like proper commited."

"well maybe this time he's busy."

hello kitty

just wanted to say thanku for
letting me stay <3
you okay?

"he's ignoring my texts too."

"damn must've really hit a nerve."

"i hope not." maeve sighed, looking at her phone. "oh well, i'm here with you anyway. i shouldn't be focusing on someone else."

"it's okay i know you have a little crush." he giggled, taking a bite of his caesar salad.

"shush, we just kissed."

"just? kissed? what are you even on, lady." he stared at her pointedly.

"oh be quiet."


it was later in the day, maeve was sat on the balcony, leaning against the fence with her legs crossed and kit still hadn't responded.

hello kitty

i'm super sorry if i've done or
said anything to hurt you
please let me know you're okay x

maeve sighed, she didn't know what she had done. she really hoped it wasn't that post of will that was making him ignore her. she was quite upset in all honesty. she's never liked when people are angry at her.

she didn't know what to do. she took a long drag from her smoke and sighed, turning her phone off. snd leaning her head back to look up at the clouds in the sky.

"hey, wanna watch a movie and get chinese?"

"yeah." she smiled up at him.

will reached out offering his hand to her and pulled her up.


a/n: hi im back another shorter chapter but i've been busy with school so i just wanted to get smth out
pls vote if u enjoy :)

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