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"how's the fame going then, silly man." maeve and kit were stood on the balcony looking over the street. kit watched the ash fall from her cigarette.

"kind of stressful."


"yeah." he stood up a bit, straightening his back, watching her take a drag. "i guess i just wasn't expecting the show to get so popular so quick."

"that's fair, i actually loved the comics. i have all four volumes, still need the other ones in the series."

"hm." kit looked away from her, and down at the streets below them.

"what are you thinking?"

"what am i thinking?" he kept his eyes on the other buildings.


"i'm thinking.. you're very pretty tonight. infact you are always, but especially tonight. the way the light from the moon looks over you. beautiful." he looked down at her, smiling.

maeve felt herself go red, she let her bumper fall and stepped on it.

"i think you're awful." mae looked up at him, "shouldn't be fair how you manage to make me feel like this."

"and what am i making you feel?"

"nervous. you always make me nervous."

the two stayed there for a few seconds, just trying to make sense of their conversation.

"we should head inside." kit opened the sliding door, waiting for her to walk in. maeve nodded and stepped inside, kit following and shutting the door.

by this time it wasn't too late for them to be tired, but neither of them were sure what to do.

"nervous in a good way?" kit started, looking down at her from where she was kneeled, taking her shoes off.

she stood up, opting to just kick them off.


"you said i make you nervous. in a good way or bad way?"

"good way. definitely good way." she sighed.

"i'm glad." he smiled at her, walking to the loungeroom and sitting down on the couch.

she followed, taking in her surroundings.

"you have a keyboard!"

"yeah, i don't play that often."

"i love piano. it's my favourite instrument." she got up and grabbed it setting it on the coffee table.

"can you play something for me."

"i've never played it infront of anybody."

"i won't judge you."

she sighed, sitting down infront of it. "okay."

he watched her play a few small tunes before she took a deep breath.

"i'll play a billy joel song?"

"yeah go for it."

she played the opening to vienna, focusing on pressing the keys right.

"slow down you crazy child, you're so ambitious for a juvenile. but then if you're so smart, tell me why are you still so afraid?"

kit listened to her soft voice flood the apartment, he sat in awe watching her play.

"where's the fire what's the hurry about? you better cool it off before you burn it out."

kit smiled as he watched her move her body as she played, her eyes closing every so often.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝑘𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑟Where stories live. Discover now