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kit had invited her out to dinner the next day to make up for what he said, and maeve was stressing trying to find an outfit in time.

she quickly scrambled out of her room and into the bathroom to check that her makeup was okay, doing some light touchups then running down the hall and grabbing her bag.

"i'll see you later, willy! going out, love you!" she giggled at the nickname and waved.

"love you more, have fun!"

she shut the front door and got in her car, connecting he phone to play music to calm her down.

'daniel is travelin' tonight on a plane,
i can see the red tailights,
headin' for spain.'

she sang her heart out, driving to the restaurant and finding a parking spot. she gathered her things and saw a text from kit 5 minutes ago.

hello kitty

hey lovely, gonna be a little late
only like 10 minutes x

okay <3

maeve decided to wait outside the restaurant, not wanting to go in alone and sit. she rolled herself a cigarette and leant on the brick wall outside waiting for him to get there.

soon enough she looked up and saw him walking up to her with a smile on his face.

"you look really pretty tonight." he awkwardly pat his pant legs, letting out an airy laugh.

"thank you, you do too."

"you think i'm pretty?"

"i always do." she smiled, following him inside.

kit contained himself trying to fight back the feeling of his face getting warm.

the two were seated and given menus and water, maeve was sipping out of her glass, looking over what they could get.

"know what you're getting?"

"no idea, it's so much to choose from."

"yeah, i think i'm just gonna play it safe and get a burger."

"of course that's what you choose. i'll just get like.. salt and pepper squid."

"good choice my lovely." he smiled at her, then looking over the drinks menu.

"want some wine?" he looked back up at her.

"oh no i shouldn't, i've gotta drive home." she waved her arms a bit, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"i walked here, i can drive you back unless you wanna stay over at mine tonight?"

"yeah i can, but aren't you filming tomorrow morning?"

"well yeah but that's alright, you can just sleep and leave whenever you want, even if i'm not there when you wake up."

"okay, i'll tell will and bash i won't be home. will's gonna have to feed my cats." she giggled, typing on her phone.

"why bash?" he tried so desperately to hide any jealousy from his appearance.

𝐁𝐋𝐔𝐒𝐇 𝑘𝑖𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑛𝑜𝑟Where stories live. Discover now