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kit rubbed her back lightly, taking her hand from her face." you'll be alright." he reassured, "was it the movie that made you sick?" she nodded her head and whined slightly when her head started throbbing even more and kit tutted.

"you should've said something, we could've sucked it up and watched a different movie, love." she rested her head on her knees.

"do you have any ibuprofen?" she was deeply regretting drinking that redbull. the mix of her upset stomach and a fizzy energy drink did not go well.

"i don't but i'm sure one of the others does. i'll go check, be right back okay? just stay here." he rubbed her back one last time before shifting to stand up.

"nono don't leave please i'll get it later." she pleaded looking up at him with her hand out.
he took it and kneeled down, "i won't be gone for long, darling." he looked at the bathroom door then back at her, "unless you think you're okay to walk back out with me?"

"maybe. i can't tell."

"i'll help you up, here you go." he took her hand and rested the other on on the lower back, guiding her up.

"i dont think i can, kit. im too weak right now." she gripped the front of his shirt looking down at her feet trying not to fall.

"alright thats okay, we'll figure something out." he looked around for second, "you still wanna watch that movie, yeah?" she nodded and looked up at him trying to guess what he's thinking.

"i'll carry you there, here." he picked her up bridal style and started walking out the door. "put your arms around my neck so you don't fall, okay?" she nodded and obliged as he walked the out to the loungeroom where everyone was sitting and waiting.

"mae you feeling alright, lovely?" yaz walked over as kit set her down on the couch. she nodded, "i think so. do you have any pain killers?"

"yes! i'll get them for you now."

"thank you." she leant back into the couch and rested her head on wills shoulder. he wrapped an arm around her and rubbed his thumb on her arm.

"are you feeling better?"

"kind of. kit helped." she reached over to try and grab his hand realising he wasn't sitting next to her and she sat up, "kit?"

"i'm here don't worry." he rushed and sat down on the couch with two tablets and a glass of water. "got your medicine."
she smiled at him, "thank you."

soon enough they resumed the movie and she found herself drifting off not even half way through.


"mae, wake up." kit shook her lightly as her head layed on his shoulder, cuddling into his arm. "mae, come on the movies finished."

she blinked her eyes open but didn't move from her position. she just wanted to sleep.

"want me to take you home, love?" he brushed her hair out of her face, slowly moving her off his arm.

it took her a while to respond as she took in her surroundings. "are you sure?" she looked up at him with tired eyes.

"i'm leaving anyway, and wills staying here so he can't drive you." he explained, offering his hand.

she took it, standing up. "i don't want to leave you though." she leaned into him and he rubbed her back.

"what do you mean?" kit couldn't decipher if she actually wanted to stay with him or she was just feeling tired and clingy. maybe it was both.

"stay with me please." she mumbled into his shirt, the exhaustion was getting to her.

"alright we'll sort something out, okay? let's go to the car." kit had gathered all her things so she didnt have to, saying goodbye to everyone that was still there.

"see you guys! day off tomorrow!" kizzy cheered, shoving doritos into their mouth, waving.

he led her outside to the car, and opened the passenger door for her before shutting it and walking around to his side and getting in, making sure she was buckled then drove off to their destination.


liked by yazdemand and 674,992 otherskit

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liked by yazdemand and 674,992 others
kit.connor: she fell asleep again
view all 782 comments
yazdemand: so cute omg i smell a romance
kit.connor: shut your mouth


a/n: 4th chapter this shits going fast as fuck slow down goddamn
remember if theres typos stfu no there isnt 🖕🖕
also pls vote if u enjoy :)

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