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will.gao_: piggy back ride to 7/11 to get maes cheesecake
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user123: IS THAT KIT
user345: YES !!!

kit.connor: i give the best piggy back rides
maeve.anderson: its true


kit set her down as they made it to 7/11 and mae started running towards the door, she had been craving cheesecake ever since will suggested it.

kit and will followed her in and found her standing behind a man in line with a slice of cheesecake, onigiri and a redbull.

"i'm paying for it you goof." will laughed and grabbed the stuff from her hands, "not letting you pay yourself, im the one who made you tired."

"fine i promise i'll pay you back."

"no need." he pats her head and put the items on the counter, paying for them. "here you go, lets get back to yaz's now, they're waiting."

"thank you i love you." she hugged him and they all walked out of the shop and started heading back.

mae missed the way kit's eyes took over with slight jealousy as she hugged him.
mae has always been very affectionate with everyone, but her confusing feelings towards kit made me her kind of intimidated to be affectionate with him, she wasn't 100% sure why.

"need another ride your highness?" kit laughed, watching with amused eyes as she immediately cracked open her redbull.

"maybe." she smiled up at him.


once they all got back outside yaz's apartment they opened the door and heard a cheer from the rest of the group.

"finally! took your damn time." yaz rolled her eyes ushering them in to where everyone was sitting on the couch.

"we're trying to pick a movie. help." seb chucked the remote over and kit caught it.

"how about horror?" he suggested. there were a few contenders, maeve wasn't too fond of them because she was very jumpy and they usually made her feel queasy but she didn't want to complain so she stayed quiet as the others scrolled through and picked a movie.

she sat down on the second couch inbetween will and kit as he pressed play on a movie she'd never even heard of before.

10 minutes in she realised this movie was not going to be fun at all for her. the amount of jumpscares on the screen was enough to make her stomach drop and suddenly she didnt even want the cheesecake.
she sipped at her redbull watching the screen, trying to act tough.
then boom, jumpscare. she flinched and grabbed someones hand, as her knees pulled into her chest, cradling her drink with her other hand.

"you alright, mae?" kit whispered over to her. she looked down and realised she was holding his hand and loosened her grip.

"no, im sorry." she looked up at him, feeling his grip tighten.

"it's alright don't worry about it." he smiled down at her and focused his attention back on the screen.

she looked down at her lap and smiled, taking another sip of her redbull. suddenly she wasn't as intimidated by him anymore.


by the end of the movie maeve was not feeling well at all, her stomach felt heavy and light at the same time and the fizziness from the redbull wasn't helping. with her food and drink abandoned on the coffee table, the hand that wasn't clasped in kits was holding her stomach and she was trying to breath lightly so no one could hear her.

but little to her knowledge kit saw and decided to suggest a different kind of movie, one that would hopefully make her feel a bit better.

"how about we watch superbad? to you know, loosen the tenseness." mae smiled a bit, it was one of her favourite movies.

"YES!" joe shouted.

he switched the movie and mae stood up turning to will, "wheres the bathroom?"

"you alright mae? you look pale." he sat up and grabbed her hand from her stomach. "i'll show you come on."

"thank you."

kit watched as they left, a sense of unease. he wasn't sure why he was so clingy towards her, will was her best friend it made sense. but he still felt jealous of how close they were.

will eventually came back kinda disheveled, "uh can someone come help me calm mae down, she threw up and she has a pretty intense phobia." he panicked out and kit jumped up.

"yeah i'll come."

the others all looked around with sympathetic faces. deciding to pause the movie and just talk while the boys tried to help mae.

kit walked into the bathroom and frowned, seeing mae with tears on her face, curled up on the floor.

"i don't know what to do, she won't talk it just makes her sob." will was obviously panicking but kit sat down beside her and put his hand on her knee rubbing it back and forth.

"it's alright i'll try calm her down."


a/n: emetophobia moment
again if theres typos u didnt see them
also pls vote if u enjoy :) <3

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