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kit turned his car off and shook the girl next to her, "mae come on, you can sleep inside." it was now very late at night and kit was slightly irritable from the lack of sleep.

she mumbled something in response that he didnt hear and he sighed and got out of the car. he walked over to the passenger side and opened the door, quickly catching her as her head was resting on it.

"kit?" she rubbed her eyes as he unbuckled her from the seat.

"yeah? we're at my place come on." he held his hand out and she took it, stepping out of the car.

"let's get you inside."

she clung onto his arm and followed him inside as they took the elevator up to his apartment. almost her entire body weight was pressed into him.

at this point kit was restless and was trying not to take anything out on her. he was just tired and grumpy.

he led her into his apartment and flicked on the lights, trying to get her to stand up properly, "mae, you can stand." he sighed and she blinked and looked around.

what he didn't know is that she hadn't taken her supplements and her iron was incredibly low, and the fact that she hadn't eaten much that day payed a contribution to the dark spots in her vision.

"i-um- yeah i-" she wobbled into his side again, "sorry."

"you can't be that tired, you can walk yourself, maeve."

"no its not- .." she put her hands over her eyes and and let out a breath.

"look i get it but im tired too, but i can't carry you everywhere."

she followed him to the best of her ability until they got the hallway and she stopped and leant against it.

"kit.." he turned around and furrowed his eyebrows.

"are you kidding me." he pushed his hair back and sighed, watching her slide down the wall to sit.

"im sorry, i can't- like-"

"maeve, god. i just want to go to sleep can you stop for just 5 minutes while i get your bed ready?"

she felt terrible. she didn't want him to be mad at her so she lifted herself up from the floor, but she went too fast and suddenly felt overwhelmingly lightheaded and she fell forward, trying to stop herself with her foot but it gave out.

"oh, mae! shit." he caught her and pulled her back up, looking around before picking her up and taking her to his bedroom and laying her down and pulling the blankets over her. "im so sorry."

he tucked her hair out of her face and she opened her eyes, blinking from the harsh light and he dashed up to turn to light off. instead turning on the dull lamp next to his bed.

"are.. are you alright? i had no idea you were feeling that unwell i honestly thought you were just tired."

"low iron, didnt eat much today. im sorry i know you're tired." she sighed and put her hand up to her head. "do you have any pain killers here?"

"yeah i'll go get some, don't move."

she sunk into his bed and closed her eyes trying to ignore her pounding headache. she felt so guilty for making him deal with her, and now she was in his house taking up his bed.

he came back and set a glass of water and two pills on the bedside table and sat down on the edge of the bed next to her. "you okay?"

"yeah, im so sorry that you have to deal with me its my fault i forgot to take my tablets and i should've just-"

"maeve." he stopped her and she looked at him with sorry eyes. "its okay, love. just take your pills."

he stood up and took a glance over at her, realising she was still in her clothes. "do you want something to change into so you're more comfortable?"

"yes please." he smiled at her and walked over to his closet, picking out a jumper and a pair of track pants then some other clothes for himself, placing them on the bed.

"here, i'll be back in a sec. just change into those. i'll bring you something to eat."

he walked out and into the bathroom and changed into a black shirt and grey track pants before heading into the kitchen and making her a jam sandwich to hopefully make her feel a bit better.

he knocked on the door and opened it slightly to peak through and saw her sat on the bed engulfed in his clothes, texting someone. 
he smiled and walked in, setting the plate down on the table.

"made you a sandwich, hope you feel a bit better when you wake up." she looked up at him when he started to walk away.

"where are you going?"

"sleeping on the couch, you can have my bed." he gave her a lopsided smile and she looked over to the empty side of the bed.

"i still don't want you to leave just yet.."

"uh- oh. well i won't be far, just down the hall." he stared, confused.

"can you stay here with me? please."

"you want me to sleep in here with you?"

"yeah." she looked up at him, turning her phone off.

"i uh.. i guess so yeah." he checked the time on his phone and walked over to the bed, sitting down. this felt way too intimate for just friends.

once she had taken the pain killers and eaten her sandwich she switched off the lamp and pulled the covers over her, turning to face kit as he was texting a groupchat, informing them that she was safe.
she moved closer and rested her head on his shoulder and he shut his phone off, looking down at her.

"you comfortable?" he whispered.

"mm." he chuckled and moved down the bed a bit no longer sitting up and wrapped an arm around her.

"goodnight, love."


a/n: this is very heterosexual
pls vote if ur enjoying these :))
ignore any typos i'll get to them eventually

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