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maeve struggled to stay calm as she ended the phone call and sat in her chair, it was starting to get a bit dark by the time she had composed herself.

"why did i do that.." she sighed.

next thing she knew she found herself dressed up and walking out the front door of the apartment complex, swaying slightly as she was still very high. and pretty tipsy.

she decided to go to a bar and 'people watch' as she liked to call it. really it means having a couple drinks and watching people have fun from the sidelines.

she nearly tripped about three times on her way there but she finally made it, walking in and sitting at the bar.

"hey lovey, what can i get you tonight?" a sweet lady smiled at her from across the bar, throwing a towel across her shoulder.

"uhm," maeve looked up at the menu, "can i get a..
a vodka- vodka redbull please?"

"of course."

she handed her the drink and mae smiled spinning around in her chair, pulling her black dress down and crossing her legs.

"jesus its so cold." she mumbled to herself, taking a sip of her drink.

her eyes glanced around the room, watching people dance to the band playing on the small stage.

she wasn't sure why she was here all by herself. nothing but her buzzed impulses.

she pulled out her phone seeing the text from kit and her smile faltered slightly.

hello kitty


hey, text me when you're ready alright?
i promise you it's all okay
you dont need to worry

i mm fine i'll b fine kit

she couldn't type properly but she was there to have fun, not feel upset about a boy.

hello kitty


hey, text me when you're ready alright?
i promise you it's all okay
you dont need to worry

i mm fine i'll b fine kit

are you sure?
i promise you don't have to
be embarrassed

m fine silly man got vodka redbul l
an im havin funn

mae where are you?

at th bar :)

stay there

i will is fun !
uhhoh scary man from
earlier kitt :(

im coming now


kit chucked his jacket straight on and grabbed his keys, getting in his car and heading to the bar closest to wills apartment, knowing she'd be there.

he drove in silence, a blank look on his face. kit hoped he hadn't done anything to her.

he pulled into a car park a bit of a walk away from the bar since they were all taken and jogged up to it and headed straight in, looking around before catching a glance as her sitting at the bar, a drink in her hand looking down uncomfortably. the man next to her had his hand on her leg as she continuously moved it away, shaking her head.

he beelined straight for them and stood behind her, fire in his eyes.

"the fuck are you doing?" he spat out, crossing his arms.

"who are you?" his arm moved away from maeve, and he looked up at him.

"im with her, care to explain what you're doing?"

"nah man i'm just having a bit of fun." he leaned back put his arms up in defence.

"yeah well have fun somewhere else. piss off."

"alright alright calm down." the man stood and huffed, walking away.

"hiii!" she looked up at him and giggled.

kit looked down at her and gave her a little side smile in return. "hi gorgeous."

"wanna drink?" she offered him her cup, smiling.

"nono i gotta drive you home, come on." he rubbed her shoulder, motioning her to stand up and she did.

"haven't even been here long." she frowned at him leaning into his body as he guided her through the bar and towards the exit.

"i know."

"is so coldd, forgot my jacket m'stupid." she pulled down the bottom of her dress and kit looked over at her shivering from the cold wind.

"here, love." he pulled his jacket off, placing it over her shoulders, smiling as she put her arms through the holes.

"still have your clothes i forgot to give em back." she looked up at him as she followed his pace back to his car.

"that's alright."

maeves's phone began ringing and she gasped excitedly pressing accept on the facetime


"hey! where are you? you're not home."

"welll.. i was at the bar but the scary man from earlier was there n' kit came to get me."

"did he do anything to you?"


"not a lot. but he could've." kit said, opening the car door for her and shutting it once she was in.

"yeah, i'm glad kit was there. you coming home now?"

"mhm!" kit turned the car on and made sure her seatbelt was on and started driving to the end of the street and around the corner where the apartments were.

"bye bye willy." she waved at him giggling.

"bye bye." he laughed, waving back.

kit glanced over at her.

"i hope you know i wasn't ignoring you for any bad reason, mae."


he looked over again and saw that she was looking out the window, her cheek resting on her hand.

"we'll talk about this tomorrow, let's get you inside."


a/n: oh my whats this? another chapter? on a streak here guys
pls vote if u enjoy :)
i'll get to any typos eventually i usually write these when im high lmao
also ive changed the face claim :)

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