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the two had gathered their things by this time and had started heading to the service station to buy snacks.
maeve was basically carrying kit down the road as he kept giggling and falling over air.

she just smiled at him and kept him upright as they walked into the station.

"what do you want?"

she turned and he was leaning against the 7/11 shelf staring at her with relaxed eyes.


"yeah?" he smiled standing up again.

"pick some stuff out i know you're hungry."


he started grabbing things off the shelf and turned around to find her and she had moved. he spun around with a confused look on his face, looking over the top of the shelf and spotting her filling up two slurpee cups. he ran over to her and held up the stuff he'd so graciously picked out.

"this good?" he stepped forward and nearly tripped, grabbing onto her shoulder. maeve steadied him and smiled.

"yes go put it on the counter, silly man." she put the lids on their drinks and grabbed a redbull from the fridge and went up to the counter to pay.

"move out the way you giant." she giggled at him.

"okay okay." he crossed his arms smiling at her, moving his eyes across her face as she interacted with the cashier.

"cmon lets get you home."


as soon as they stepped into his apartment he'd already finished a bag of sour cream and onion walkers and downed half his slurpee.

"do you wanna sit on your couch? or you wanna lay in bed?"

"mm i dont know.." he felt tired, the weed made him feel way too relaxed and he thanked god it was his day off.

"alright, you look tired so let's go to your room, okay?"


she walked him down the hallway and into his room where he flopped onto his bed.

"i'm gonna go get your food, i'll be right back."

she turned and he watched as she left the room.

fuck. he thought.

he was scared. he had never felt anything like this for another person but all he wanted to do was be with her and it scared him to be so dependant on another person.

as much as he loved the feeling of being with her, he didn't want to tarnish their relationship. they'd only known eachother for a couple of days and he didn't want it to be awkward for them. especially considering will was her bestfriend.

he didn't know what to do.

mae walked into the room with snacks piled in her arm, her other arm holding her phone as she giggled into it.

hearing another voice kit became confused, "who's that?"

"its will say hi!" she passed her phone to him and set all his snacks onto his bedside table, standing and watching the two interact.

"you're still together hm?" kit didn't laugh at that, just blushed.

"shut up."

mae laughed and sat on the edge of the bed sipping her redbull.

"i think he's due for a nap to be honest."

"poor kit, what'd you do to him."

"i already told you." she leaned over to get in the frame and kit felt his heart stop for a second.

she was so close to him it made him want to die. but in the best way possible.

"yeah he's definitely stoned to his max. low tolerance."

"i think it's sweet." mae pat his chest and leaned away to take another sip.

"im so hungry, too."

"well i bought you some food what do you want out of your pile?"

"mnms please." he stopped in thought, moved his tongue around his mouth, "and my slurpee, mouth is dry."

"as you wish." she took the phone from him and handed his drink to him, opening the mnms and setting them beside him.

"okay i gotta go will, i'll talk to you later." she smiled into the camera and waved, moving it so kit was in frame, and he waved as well.

they said their goodbyes and maeve turned her phone of slipping it in her pocket.

"you tired?"


"i think you should take a nap. want me to put something on for you to watch?"

"yes please." he stuffed mnms into his mouth and relaxed into his pillow.

"brooklyn 99 okay?"

"mhm. thank you." his red eyes looked so tired and mae smiled,

"you're welcome. i'll talk to you later, yeah? i gotta get home so get some sleep."

he frowned at that, "you're leaving?"

"yeah, i've gotta see my cats, i can't leave them for too long." she smiled, pushing the hair off his face before standing up. "plus will probably misses me." she giggled.

"see you, i'll lock the door on the way out."

"bye.." he watched her shut the door, her footsteps getting quieter.

he turned his focus to the tv infront of him, not being able to pay attention. he drifted to sleep cradling his cup in his arms.


maeve got home to two meowing cats, she still felt bad about leaving them for so long, but at least will was there to keep them company.

"you're back!" will pushed himself off the couch and ran up to her engulfing her in a big hug.

"i know its very exciting." she pulled away from the hug and pulled out a block of chocolate, sitting on the couch next to where will was.

"how was babysitting."

"good, it was fun actually." she smiled and broke off a row of chocolate, passing it to him.

the two sat and watched netflix for a while before will stood up to make lunch for the two of them.

"caesar salad?" he called out.

"god yes." she laughed and sat down at the bar with him and talked.

she was the happiest she'd been in a while.


a/n: woo new chapter thank you for nearly 2k reads :)) i appreciate you all
pls vote if u enjoy <3

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