At school•

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[Noah's POV] it was 7:30 and I was getting things out of my locker when I see Mike across the hall he has dark brown hair, blue eyes, and a mixed skin tone and he's the most handsome boy I ever laid eyes on he's also one of my friends, he noticed me and walked over to me, "heyy" he said and leaned against the locker next to mine. "Oh hey Mike" I said, getting my stuff out of my locker for 1st hour "I couldn't help but see u staring at me" he said with a small laugh "I wasn't staring u asshole" I said he laughed "yeah okay" he jokes with me in the mornings sometimes.

[Mike's pov] Noah is one of my friends he has gorgeous red hair with light blue eyes one is very noticeably lighter than the other he has a pretty light skin tone and I have a huge crush on him and have for a few years but he doesn't know hc I'm also positive he's str8 so it's not like I have a chance with him but I can't stop myself from liking him, it sucks ".... so... have any plans for after school today... bc I have no plans, so we can hang out... i-if u want, of course" Noah said he's cute, and I kinda laughed "of course, I just need to text my parents and let them know" he smiled at that "okay cool... so I'll meet u in class" "yup, see u there" he closed his locker and started to walk away before turning around "alright... oh and uh.... u know what never mind" I looked over at him "u sure?" "yeah positive... meet u in class" and he walked away I thought that was weird but didn't say anything and just shrugged it off.

I went into the bathroom took my backpack off and took my phone out, I went to the bathroom bc I'm not actually allowed on my phone right now and texted my mom "Hey I'll be going to Noah's place after school today to hang out and maybe get some homework done I don't know yet. I also might stay the night again I don't know yet if I don't end up staying the night I'll try to be home at 7-8" She took a few moments to respond then I got her text "yeah sure, text me when u get to his house and when u know if ur gonna be staying the night or not so I can bring ur stuff over, his parent's house right?" I replied "yep and okay, I love u" "love u too" I put my phone back into my backpack, put it back on, and went to class. I have history first hour, and Noah has the same 1st hour, which is the only reason I "enjoy" history it's now 7:38, and class starts at 7:40 I'll probably make it on time though I mean the classroom isn't super far away from the bathroom

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