2nd period•

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[Noahs POV]
I walked into class and sat down next to Mike ".. hey can I ask u a question" I said he looked at me and smiled "sure what is it" he asked "... uh.. actually.. never mind.." he frowned "oh come on I wanna hear itttt" I shook my head "no no no it's nothing" I said grabbing my stuff out of my bag and putting it on the desk "plzzzzzzzz I'm ur best friend" I sighed ".... no... stop asking" he looked kinda upset at that "alright.. sorry" he said "..no don't apologize, it's okay" he nodded, and I laid my head on the table, looking at Mike again. I wanna kiss him.... he's just so perfect.. "handsome he's just so fucking cute it's unbearable" I accidentally mumbled I guess Mike heard me ".... what'd u say" I sat up "..... nothing I was.. talking to myself" "who" he said "huh?" I replied looking at him confused "who's this boy u were talking about" he said I started worrying now bc he wasn't supposed to hear that "what" I said still acting dumb "u said "handsome he's just so fucking cute it's unbearable I wanna know who ur talking about" well fuck he did hear "no no no u miss heard me I said "gorgeous she's just so fucking cute it's unbearable" I was talking about Ava I'm not gay Mike" I didn't wanna talk about this anymore but he kept going "thats not what I heard" I started to get mad now "u miss heard me stop trying to  make it sound like I'm talking about some boy bc everyone here knows I'm not gay" he cut me off "oh but did u hear that room-" then I cut him off "yes its a fucking lie I don't like guys I'm not fucking gay!" He stop talking for a second "... okay okay sorry" the whole class is quiet now and I got up "I'm leaving.." he got mad at this point "bc I was joking around with u!?" he yelled I hate being yelled at "no Mike just plz" then the teacher spoke up "alright alright Noah plz move over here in the front" I walked over to the door then luke spoke up

"God he's just like his dad" I stopped and turned "I'm nothing like him!! I never have been and never will be I'm not some monster tha-..." I cut myself off bc no one the hear that then he started laughing "oh stop lying we all seen ur dad on TV he's one of the nices guys we've ever seen he just complains when he doesn't get his way that's all" I teared up mumbled "all part of the show"

I then walked out of the classroom and started to head for the bathrooms but decided to stop at my locker first to grab something, I hate him so much, he acts like a jerk for no fucking reason but then again so do most of the kids in this school, I slammed my locker door shut and walked off to the bathroom taking the long way so I would have to stay out of class for longer bc I really don't wanna go into that classroom again as long as fucking luke is in there

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